561 Tasting Notes

drank Rooibos Strawberry by CitizenTea
561 tasting notes

I am detecting a pattern with citizen teas-the flavoring is really weak. This blend is no exception. I can barely taste the strawberries in this tea. Not a horrible cup of tea, but it just leaves me wanting more flavor.

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drank Chai by Citizen Tea
561 tasting notes

This is a mild chai-the spices are so weak. I will finish my cup but I am so glad this was a sample pack and I used it all up to make this latte.

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drank S'mores by CitizenTea
561 tasting notes

Boy, am I ever glad I looked at the ingredients before making this cup of tea or I would have ruined it by burning the white tea leaves. I just saw “Black tea” and figured it was only black tea but nope-it also has oolong and white teas. So I adjusted my kettle to the white tea option and now I am enjoying a nice cup of tea made as a latte. I am on a latte trend at the moment-a comfort for the extreme cold right now in Alberta. Not sure I would have named this tea smores since it doesn’t remind me of one (it is so hard to find a good smores tea that actually tastes like its name). However, it is an enjoyable cup of tea that I will happily finish.

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drank S'mores Amour by Tickled Tea
561 tasting notes

Doesn’t taste like a s’mores in my opinion but it is a tasty tea made as a latte with added agave as a sweetener. Not one I would rush out and buy more of though, so I am glad I only bought a sample pack of this one to try out. I love companies that let you try a small amount to see if you will like it instead of committing to 50 grams. Citizen Tea also lets you buy sample packs for cheap-I ordered like 22 teas from them to try out.

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Tried this as a latte. It sounds strange but it kind of taste like a combination of chocolate and apple pie. Definitely a drinkable cup of tea.

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Tried this as a latte and I did not care for it at all. Does not taste like butterscotch anything. It has a strange taste that I can’t seem to describe but whatever it is, it’s unpleasant to my taste buds.

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drank Valerian Nights by DAVIDsTEA
561 tasting notes

I really like this tea. I can definitely taste the chamomile and caramel flavors-they blend nice together! After drinking this tea, I felt very sleepy and I actually slept through the night for a change. I am so going to stock up on this wonderful tea!

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drank Carrot Cake by Tickled Tea
561 tasting notes

Tried this a latte and it is pretty tasty. I do get some carrot flavor but it does not remind me of carrot cake. Still a good cuppa tea though.

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Definitely smells like cinnamon coffee cake and kind of tastes like it too-but I added double the amount of tea suggested for a cup. My gut told me to do it and I am glad I listened or this tea would have been weak in flavor. Overall, this is a pretty good cup of tea but I am glad I only got a sample of this one to try.

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Got this sample as a tea swap recently. I was curious to try it even though chocolate and orange together aren’t my thing. This tea brewed really murky and thick. I do not care for this tea at all-orange and chocolate do not belong together in my life.

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I share my life with my 2 Labrador retrievers and my wonderful boyfriend who understands my obsession for teas as he has his own items that he collects. It’s a win win situation as long as all the bills are paid right? Davidstea was the first company to get me hooked on their products in 2013 with their bright colors of tea accessories and huge selection of teas. And even though they have since discontinued some of my favorite teas, I still adore them but I have branched off to try other companies like Tea Taxi, Citizen tea, Tickled tea and recently Adagio Teas. My dream is to open my own tea/gift shop store one day.

*I only review tea once and then Update my post to add any new info to it. I like having an accurate count of how many teas I have tried so far.


Alberta, Canada

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