561 Tasting Notes
Tried this as a latte and even with added sweetener this tastes very bitter. I am not really liking this one at all. Once I get past the bitterness, I can taste coffee and toffee. I might be able to finish this cup but I definitely do not want another cup of this. Glad it was only a sample.
I am going crazy on the lattes this afternoon. I think this is my fifth one today but in my defense they are only from samples so they are half the size that I would normally make my lattes. So far I have liked all of them and this one keeps the trend going. It is really good! There’s an extra zing to it that I like and I think it is the blue cornflowers.
This is pretty yummy as a latte. It’s like a black tea strawberries and cream. I approve! Why are all the lattes that I have liked in black tea form?! I am supposed to stay away from caffeine-but I guess a little cup every now and again won’t hurt in the morning.