484 Tasting Notes
Group buy with Tea Tiff.
This is a very smooth and somewhat smokey black tea, with a bit of sweetness showing up as it cools. I don’t think I care for the smoke here. I like it better than Octoberfest, but not as well as Tiger Assam, or Red-Tailed Hawk
Flavors: Smoke, Sweet, Tea
Joint order with Tea Tiff.
This is an interesting black tea. It tastes particularly bright and fruity. I’m tasting mostly currants with just a hint of sweet potato. It’s also a little bitter and astringent, but pleasantly so. I’m a fan.
Flavors: Astringent, Bitter, Black Currant, Sweet Potatoes
Sample from Tea Tiff. Thank you!
I’ve been wanting to try some A&D teas for a while since I’ve heard lots of people rave about them, but I go through caffeinated teas pretty slowly so I didn’t get around to buying any until Tea Tiff put together a group buy a few months ago. I got an ounce of three teas and Tea Tiff threw in a sample of this as well. It’s definitely unlike any black tea I’ve had before, with a distinct flavor of leather and smoke. I don’t think I particularly care for the leathery flavor, though. Another tea to knock off my wish list, then.
Flavors: Leather, Smoke
One of the teas from the box I won from Rosali Tea.
Chai rather fascinates me. It’s one of the most common blends, but there are a million variations of it, so each one tastes a little different. This version is much to heavy on the cardamom for my tastes. I really dislike cardamom, so I’ll probably be passing this along to someone else. If it weren’t for that I would like it. I made this as a latte, and it’s very flavorful and well-balanced and has an extra spicy zing to it from the ginger, pepper and cardamom. It tastes like it’s good quality, but it’s not my preference.
Flavors: Cardamom, Spices, Spicy
From OST’s stash sale.
I’ve been smelling this tea every time I opened this box, and decided to finally give it a try. I like maple syrup, but it’s not a flavor I tend to crave, and I’ve been a bit wary of Maple teas in the past since dessert teas are sometimes too sweet for me. I decided I was in the mood to try this today though. The first sip of this was disappointing because I could taste some good quality rooibos, but no maple. This tea is fairly lightly flavored, but that’s a good thing since the flavor builds on your tongue as you sip, and gets stronger as the tea cools. This is probably the perfect amount of flavoring since it wasn’t cloyingly sweet by the end of the cup. I grew up in Michigan, and now live in Maryland – both maple syrup states – so I’m very familiar with the taste of maple. This is a very realistic tasting maple flavor, and it is really a good complement to the rooibos. I like this one a lot more than I expected to. It’s probably one I wouldn’t drink often, but it would be nice to keep in my cupboard when I’m craving something sweet.
Flavors: Maple, Maple Syrup, Rooibos