New Tasting Notes
First loose green tea I’ve ever tried. I know that the casablanca twist is labeled “green” on Adagio’s site but I don’t think it (the casablanca) counts. I’m trying to type this while I drink it, but I keep grabbing the mug for a sip. I think this’ll become a favorite of mine!
Like I said about the raspberry version, this is good for what it is. (Cheap canned tea.) No sour aftertaste and delicious mango flavor. It actually tastes like it has mango juice in it. I like it a lot, and will definitely be buying it again to drink on the road or at work.
Not a very strong tea taste, but I’m used to that with canned tea drinks. It’s pretty good for what it is. The raspberry flavor is pleasant with the honey and it doesn’t have that sour aftertaste that a lot of canned teas have (*cough*Arizona*cough*). I’d buy it again… it’s nice to have at work since a lot of gas stations carry it.