I decided to try the premium YS monthly tea box; to get some variety in the teas which I drink it seemed a good choice. This was part of my first shipment. (although I subscribed at the end of the month, I might cancel and rejoin at the start of the month so i dont have to wait into the next month before i receive last months!)
It is very similar to my experience with DHP. Roasty, mineral tastes, slight floral thing, although to me a very ‘grey’ tea. Not saying thats bad, it just is what it is. ‘Iron Arhat’ is a good name for it. Very mineral. More rock than roast.
Definitely drinkable straightaway, roast was never overpowering. Really long pleasant mineral huiguan, quite sprightly on the tongue really!
This is a nice example of a good rocky Oolong that (for me) can be drank alternating with the more oily, woody or floral ones. I dont want that full on oily mouth all the time. Need to let it calm down a bit before the next explosion, right?
A nice solid drink. With this the mineral taste is forward and lingers for ages, and overall you can really taste its character. I liked it.
Flavors: Char, Mineral, Roasted, Wet Rocks