Can I just start by saying I smiled way more than I should have when I saw MissB had marked this “for VariaTEA”. I like to think that when she tries teas she thinks of me and that is why this one was specifically sent. I know that is probably not the case but let me dream :)
Anyways, as for the tea itself, I don’t get ginger or pumpkin or cheesecake. What I do get is a very pleasantly sweet honeybush with a hint of spice (perhaps very faintly akin to candied ginger?). It is pretty tasty but definitely falls short when it comes to living up to its name. That won’t stop me from enjoying my sample. So thank you MissB for sharing! I certainly would have been disappointed had I bought this (as it is not ginger pumpkin cheesecake) but trying it I am very pleased with the taste (though I don’t think I would order this as there are other honeybush blends by Frank that I prefer much more).
i have boxes…with names..and tea gets put into the boxes with the names..then when they’re full…out the door they go!
Haha. You are so generous. I wanted so badly to thank you for the matcha you sent me but it took me hours to figure out teas that you may not have tried before.
haha so the easy way around that? send anything you like. Even if i’ve tried it before, i always like new things :) that’s much easier than sorting through my tasting ratings haha
That IS why it’s written on there! :)
Isn’t it sucha great feeling when you know another steepsterite is thinking of you? :)
It is!:)
Haha YAY MissB! I definitely feel loved :)
i have boxes…with names..and tea gets put into the boxes with the names..then when they’re full…out the door they go!
Haha. You are so generous. I wanted so badly to thank you for the matcha you sent me but it took me hours to figure out teas that you may not have tried before.
haha so the easy way around that? send anything you like. Even if i’ve tried it before, i always like new things :) that’s much easier than sorting through my tasting ratings haha
I looked at every single tea you rated :P. I was devoted to the cause.
I love my *Sil*boxes!!