bravo, bravo!! this is a peachy green tea done RIGHT. finally!

the aroma of the dry leaf in the tea bag is soo delightful, so fresh peachy, like juicy peach & while you can’t smell the ginger so much, it really comes out once the tea is steeped.

it gives a nice bite, but nothing i’d call overwhelming. this isn’t ginger in the sense of say, Turmeric Ginger by Rishi! then again this isn’t loose leaf format, so that may account for the mellowness of the ginger but either way, it’s fine with me.

i do get some of the peach in the flavor, maybe more toward the end of the sip? but yes, it comes through nicely with the ginger (although not as strongly as it did in the dry leaf). quite frankly, i’m impressed. now i feel i can safely venture out to invest in some kind of loose leaf peachy green, perhaps with ginger in the mix! they go nicely together!

not sure if there’s any green tea in this blend besides matcha, and if there is, i’m not sure what kind. but the flavor is really nice. you sense that it’s there, but it’s not overly grassy. this has merely been dusted with matcha. but i’m very happy as i’m a matcha fan and love it for its health benefits and the fact that it has major amounts of chlorophyll (great for cleansing the blood!)

ETA: this totally made up for my horrific experience with Tazo’s Peachy Green. i guess i can consider this a reparation.

Flavors: Peach

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love tea in every form- from bagged to loose leaf..commercial to niche. i am intrigued by it all & want to learn as much as i can through my 5 senses (tho with tea i’ll presumably be using 3)..am a very sensorial person. love music, perfume, poetry, graphic design, India, Malaysia, Moorish architecture, oh….and tea!

apparently i’m really out of the loop here since i appear to be among the only ones who have not yet tried Golden Moon, Butiki, 52teas, Mandala, Teavivre or Della Terra. i mean REALLY. i need to start lifting this rock up over my head y’all. from the looks of things, i’ve been reenacting Groundhog’s Day every hour on the hour with my uniformed choices. i seek to be anointed!

also, don’t take my numbers too literally; they can’t possibly speak to the actual quality of the tea, much less to the constancy of my own perceptions! what i may feel to be an 88 one day, could very well be a 91 the next, or even 100, depending on my taste buds, blood sugar levels, neuronal firings or planetary alignment ;)

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