Received a fun little extra from Liquid Proust when I put in my last order in the form of this vaguely labeled “Home Roasted Dragonwell Sencha” packet that I’ve been trying (and failing) to give a proper review by drinking it any way other than via grandpa water bottle method, but this seems to be how it’s doomed to be drank so might as well go ahead.
I’ve been starting off with some level of random hot water in the bottle, say a 1/3, dumping a little under a tablespoon of this guy in there, and then filling the rest up with fridge temp water and then it just kind of steeps away for the next two to six hours until I drink it all. Initially, the roast is a bit in your face, but after you get over that, it harmonizes surprisingly well with the nutty dragonwell flavors and the sencha gives it the nice seaweedy body and aroma I associate with Japanese green tea. This thing is nice as a mega steeper (I had high hopes since this is the unfortunate fate of all my dragonwell once I discovered this magic property of theirs), pretty close to bombproof, although I haven’t tried boiling it yet, but I think it would stand up to it, honestly.
Overall, I thought it was quite nice, especially for a home roasting project if he’s never done it before, haha. It’s been my go to waterbottle tea as I like the extra roasty notes (much like a kyobancha with more green flavor and caffeine) and is pretty balanced and bitter resistant no matter how much you neglect it.
Flavors: Grass, Nutty, Roasted, Seaweed, Sweet