120ml Yixing pot
Steeping times: 5s rinse, 45s, 55s, 70s, 85s, 100s, 115s*, 175s, 205s*, 265s
First steep: Perfumey taste, light greenish yellow liquid. The leaves opened up a lot already!
Second steep: Lighter perfume taste. The leaves have now fully overtaken the yixing pot.
Third steep: Still perfume, with a bit of a bitter aftertaste that I’ve noticed with oolongs.
Fourth steep: The perfume flavor is beginning to lighten up a bit and the bitterness has magically vanished.
Fifth steep: Sooo much flavor still left in this! I’m definitely gonna push it past the recommended 6 steepings :)
Sixth steep*: Wooow and just like that almost no flavor. My fault though, I should have known to add more time than 15 seconds for the 6th steep
Seventh Steep: Ahh, yes and extra minute did the trick. The flavor is back! Noticing more sweetness this time around :)
Eight steep: Wow, very noticeably sweet this time! Except I added extra water to bring down the sweetness and ruined the cup :(
Ninth steep*: I can’t believe they seriously suggest only 5-6 steeps. What a crime! This steep has come back down almost the 6th steep level so I’m gonna bump up the next steeping time for one final hurrah.
Tenth Steep: The perfume flavor is mostly gone now and has been replaced by a sweet taste :)
*increase steeping time next time around for better flavor
Here is photo of that last steep: http://instagram.com/p/pEoGQvguIu/
Well, all good things must come to an end. This was probably the best oolong I’ve tasted. You can tell that it’s very high quality. For the record, I’m sure I could have gotten another few steepings out of this! This was just a 5g sample, but I think I may buy a few ounce someday :)
Flavors: Bitter, Perfume, Sweet
My favorite one. It has feet! :) http://www.ebay.com/itm/191154752588?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
Such a pretty pot!
My favorite one. It has feet! :) http://www.ebay.com/itm/191154752588?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
So cute :3 And holy cow, that’s cheaper than the ones you find in Chinatown’s tourist shops!
I know how to find a deal. lol