Everything about this tea is wrong today. I was going to try it without additions, which was a stupid idea ultimately because it just tasted nasty. A bit of cream thickened it up slightly, but it was still just gross. Added some sugar and it’s still gross. It doesn’t seem to matter what I do with this tea-it just tastes terrible. And what a shame, because when I made it keychange style a while back it was lovely. Oh well, lesson learned. I think that in my experiment to find tea I can enjoy without additions, I’m going to stay away from blacks—I think I’ll just always like them with stuff in them, and so be it. Maybe oolongs and greens and tisanes are the way to go re no additions.
Uggh eww uggh no eww gross. And my poor carry mug has to deal with all this crap. Poor mug.
I used to take at least a little sugar in all my teas….slowly weaned myself off it and now am mostly drinking everything straight. To each her own though! :)
I think black teas will always beg me to put sugar and milk in them, but that’s also the way I drank it growing up, so that’s also an influence. I just want to have a few teas I enjoy straight ot add to my rotation. Haha this clearly isn’t one of them.
I’m the opposite. I never drank tea with milk or sugar. It still feels funny to me to add anything, but there are certain teas that just beg for additions.
I hate when that happens!
Isn’t it awful? and there goes 16 oz of work tea! uggh.
I used to take at least a little sugar in all my teas….slowly weaned myself off it and now am mostly drinking everything straight. To each her own though! :)
I think black teas will always beg me to put sugar and milk in them, but that’s also the way I drank it growing up, so that’s also an influence. I just want to have a few teas I enjoy straight ot add to my rotation. Haha this clearly isn’t one of them.
I’m the opposite. I never drank tea with milk or sugar. It still feels funny to me to add anything, but there are certain teas that just beg for additions.
I like cream or milk in black teas too. :)
yeah, I just feel it nicely takes the edg off or something.
It does. And makes it yummy!