My first glass, and the first tea of my birthday! I got this yesterday with a birthday voucher (along with chocolate chai oolong and a sunny t glass. It smelled amazing dry in store, and this morning it smells amazing while brewing.
Oh, and it tastes really nice! The rose is sweet, without being overly flowery, and the black is a great base and isn’t bitter at all.ooh, this is actually really tasty! I really like it. Good birthday pick by me!
Thanks guys! I’m feeling like ere might be some oolong in my future today, but not su if I’ll go with DT’s milk oolong, prairie berry, or the new one I picked up from T2 yesterday, oolong chocolate chai. Suggestions?
And this is my new tea glass A bit like the Perfect Mug from DavidsTea.
Happy birthday! Hope there are many more good tea picks for it :D
Happy Birthday! May tea (and happiness) always overflow your cup! :)
Happy birthday TTG!
Happy happy bday!
Happy Birthday! ^^
Thanks guys! I’m feeling like ere might be some oolong in my future today, but not su if I’ll go with DT’s milk oolong, prairie berry, or the new one I picked up from T2 yesterday, oolong chocolate chai. Suggestions?
Oh dear, clearly the iPad keyboard can’t keep up with my fingers…
And this is my new tea glass A bit like the Perfect Mug from DavidsTea.
Happy birthday