612 Tasting Notes
Tried this last night while watching A Little Princess (I’ve been on a holiday season “feel-good classic movies from my youth” bender before bedtime). This was quite enjoyable—it really does have a sweet carrot flavor (it takes a while to emerge; it built up enough to be quite noticeable around the middle of the cup), and you even somehow get cream cheese icing (!). It does taste rather sweet especially by the end of the cup. But I was pretty impressed; carrot cake seems a hard thing to pull off, and somewhat unusual.
This was a very generously sized sample Garret managed to throw in somehow at my request in the midst of holiday madness. Mandala’s customer service is top notch!
This has all those malty smooth qualities good starchy Chinese black teas possess, but also aspects of legacy-style breakfast teas in that it’s strong with the merest hint of breakfast blend astringency and a woodiness that emerges at the end of the sip and builds gradually. A nice everyday-type morning tea, the sort of thing you could replace a mandatory cup of coffee first thing-type habit with. Its subtler charms come out the more you drink it. It has a sweet cleanness in the aftertaste that’s unexpected and a nice counterpoint to the upfront smooth starchiness. I enjoy these “go-between” type teas that have parts of both worlds in the basic black tea market.
ETA: Forgot to say earlier too that this is a very pretty leaf, long and unbroken, lovely both dry and steeped. I just seem to extra appreciate that quality in brisk morning teas because it feels so relatively unusual and overlooked, unnecessary in the haze of caffeinating oneself. It always makes me smile though when I encounter it.
Garret is awesome….
As for this tea, it still confuses me. Drinking it again today. More leaf, cooler water, shorter steep does not equal greater understanding….
this one, or Black Beauty? this one feels like it wouldn’t benefit from cooler temps, but that’s just a guess (and i’m no expert). i could see this one not being your cup of tea because although it has a fairly thick body it’s not roasty-satisfying the way i get the impression you like your black teas. i also get the feeling more leaf for this one wouldn’t add flavor so much as perhaps astringency or bitterness, but again, just a guess.
i wish i was more helpful about the black beauty! that sparkling wine-y note, it’s so strange it goes away as it cools and then it’s fine for you. stumps me. i still think other steepsters would probably have good ideas…i’m pretty clueless in terms of tea whispering!
Sorry, you’re right – I’m an idiot. Yes, I’m talking about Black Beauty not this one. Cold weather must be killing brain cells – at least that’s the excuse I’m using.
You are right, should write tasting note and see if others have thoughts.
Another Nina’s from JustJames! Finally have some alone time tonight to get a headrush from all these goodies, yay. Thank you!
This smells pretty good dry and steeping; it’s light and creamy, with a little more orange than chocolate (makes me think of a creamsicle but with a fresher orange component), all soft and sweet, unlike the fresh-zesty-candy-sit-up-and-take-notice intensity of a Terry’s chocolate orange (and hence unlike Butiki’s Three Friends). The texture is wonderful, so creamy. It really does feel like a well done creamsicle tea to me. There is chocolate but it’s not the intense kind; it’s light and, I keep using this word over and over, creamy. It comes out more in the finished tea’s flavor and nose-right-up-to-the-cup aroma than while steeping. I’ve yet to find an orange creamsicle tea I like or many at all period (I don’t count Butiki’s because of its unique tangerine flavor, which is a plus not a minus but hence doesn’t place it in the “creamsicles from my childhood” category), so this is a pleasant surprise. Everything fits well together and I like how the chocolate doesn’t steal the show from the orange or cream at all, plays just right with it.
haha, great question. hm, not sure. it is gentler and more refined, so in that sense Kate, but on the other hand she was actually pretty sharp (there’s that quote of hers about having an angular face, body, and personality so that she couldn’t help but jab some people, ha). it’s a soft tea, and i guess neither hepburn was soft really. hmmm.
I figured Audrey too, not sure why but I guess chocolate and orange feels like a “young” sort of flavor profile to me, like youthful and bright and girlish, like her persona. Agree wholeheartedly that both are awesome! I keep meaning to make Katharine’s brownie recipe one of these days.
really? you think of katherine hepburn as softer? posture wise i would say audrey…. but that’s coming from a make up artist. i look at people as canvases so…… ?
Another fancypants French tea from JustJames! Thank you! My first Nina’s Paris tea, whee.
Such a romantic name for a tea, hee. This has a very fresh berry scent (particularly raspberry, one of my favorites, yum…I used to like Bigelow Raspberry Royale as a kid) dry and steeping. Tantalizing. Makes me think of being a kid with a friend down the block with a backyard full of bramble bushes, picking all sorts of sun-warmed juicy berries in the summer. The citrus goes really well with the fresh berry notes; you worry it might end up TOO bright veering toward tart, but it’s not. Nice and smooth, with the black tea faint but steadily present in the background, grounding everything, keeping it from being too sharp. Berry teas (and citrus ones for that matter) are very hit or miss for me when paired with black bases, and this is a lovely one. No bitterness or puckering, just fragrant and light which is what a fresh berry tea needs as it’s not a heavy cold weather-type flavor for me. Reminds me a little of some of Harney’s nicest fruity black teas. Very happy this first Nina’s is a hit!
nina’s really romances the red fruit…..they are very, very good.
so glad you like it! =0) i’m being such a scrooge about your teas. drink a cup, hoard a cup. lol.
haha, i know the feeling! BTW, thanks so much for giving me enough of all these fancy teas i can make more than one cup! awesome. (:
An amazing surprise treat from JustJames! Our swap was loosely French themed, so now I have lots of beautiful Nina’s Paris, Mariage Freres, and Dammann Freres goodies to try (!!) and that wasn’t even all of it! I tip my hat to you, sir. (:
This is surprisingly subtle—if you’re expecting over-the-top-rich-roasty-nuttiness or sweetness a la Florence and its ilk, you may be disappointed. But this rewards those who like evocation more than straight up flavor replication, if that makes sense. There’s a woodiness here I quite like (you know me!), and a gentle warmth. Kinda like crawling up to your grandma’s attic and opening up her wooden chests full of pretty things. The roastiness comes out slowly and feels very genuine, not like an added-on flavor dimension so much as an inherent foundational component. This is very comforting, not the sugar dessert bomb I thought it might be but instead something a lot gentler but also subtly deeper. Deeply soothing. I enjoyed it with the chocolate from my Advent calendar late tonight, and it was perfect.
Resteeps like a dream too, and I’m usually pretty picky about that sort of thing.
I have a feeling thanks to all this French tea craze that’s suddenly overtaken Steepster eventually there’ll be more folks who’ve placed real orders with some of the fancypants French shops and swaps will happen. I’m still curious about that The O Dor vendor, and eventually want to just bite the bullet and place a Dammann order (I make up a shopping cart like every week and save it as a .PDF file, that’s how crazy I am, ha). I’d be happy to swap with ya when/if that days comes (though given the Black Friday insanity it will likely be a while…but I’m sure not alone).
Brew TEAlly Sweet I have a few Mariage Frères and a few Fauchon with some Dammann on it’s way – always interested in swaps.
ifjuly I don’t have any O Dor but anything else can be added to your next box :))
the o dor i have been the trick is DUCK THE TINS…. buy the bags, and suddenly they’re reasonable.
this tea is a chameleon. it and i are still doing the pasa doble, getting to know one another. i am so intrigued, but i keep muddling the results (yay me). i am not prepared to review until i’ve nailed it because i’m a huge DF fan.
so glad you like it!!
dreaming is half the fun or more! (:
Dexter3657, you are so awesomely generous. really really. you too, JustJames! and agreed, i was pleasantly surprised at how reasonable the o dor is in bags…it’s just the shipping, even from that place in california. i think it’d work out to be worth it if i bought lots of different teas, just don’t have the funds right now post-black friday. someday!
and i can definitely see how this tea could play tricks on a person. it’s not what i expected, but i love it! thanks again. :D
Smells wonderful, reminds me of the chocolate cake liqueur my girlfriends were on about a couple years back. You’d think the rose element might be kind of weird, but it makes it seem like a fancier chocolate cake flavor, a more feminine one. It’s not strong, just a backdrop that gives the thing some soft complexity in a welcome way. Such a nice guilty pleasure. I could definitely turn this into a nighttime staple when I have a sweet tooth—it is quite a sweet tisane, yum! Yeah, I think I’m marking this in the “could definitely reorder” category.
BTW, I love that Fusion Teas puts the individually tailored steeping directions for their teas right on the bags, even for samples.
So far so good with Fusion Teas, a company I’d not tried until Black Friday sales but had been curious about for a while. I’ve been impressed and pleased with how carefully and flavorfully blended their stuff is.
no, that’s right! it’s like it gives it more a feeling, yes, plush and velvety, more than anything else, along with a layer of…sophistication. i know that sounds haughty/silly, but i’m not sure how else to put it, ha. you’re good with words!
i can’t wait to log the beautiful teas you sent me, BTW. there’s an ice storm tonight here and it was a snow day so it’s been a little off the wall having my husband home and us both iced in allllll day, pot after pot of tea while we watch holiday movies. i’m waiting for some alone time so i can really concentrate on the tea! (:
I messed this one up so I’m reserving judgment. Thought it was a black tea because just about everything else in my massive DT sampler haul is and only realized my mistake once I saw the brewed leaves and color in the pot. Even so, it was pretty good, so I’ve a feeling I’ll be pleased when I treat this properly.
I was worried this one’d be disappointing because the 4oz size was on massive discount and I’ve been longing for more fig teas. But luckily it’s great. You have to be careful not to oversteep—the second cup edged toward overbrewed because I didn’t remove the infuser on time—but it’s a smooth, rich, wonderful cup, not too heavily spiced, just right, and you can really taste the fig (the few fig teas I’ve tried haven’t always delivered on that beyond smell). No regrets! Husband noticed the jump in quality too (we’d been drinking cheaper also flavored tea earlier in the day).
that would be amazing, but don’t feel pressured! figue fraiche was the blend that got me DF-obsessed where i went down the rabbit hole of worrying about customs fees, ha.
once all my black friday orders roll in, i definitely need to send some tea your way. i will never be able to drink it all!
I am DROWNING in tea. I have a feeling my logs for a while are going to be brief and to the point, simply marking for posterity whether I like something or not. Just so many to go through. Lord, no more tea for a year! But it’s nice to have so much to try…
This has that soapiness I’ve learned happens when you put lemongrass in tea, but it’s light, and the rest of the blend makes up for it. Got the husband-approved “mmmm!” response. It is excellent at what chai’s good for, warming you from the inside out, but without the heaviness and clove-iness some chai blends have, instead a brightness and freshness from the Thai ingredient profile. Just unusual enough to stand out. I like!
Thennn we went on an American Horror Story bender (most of my pals have been talking about it, so) and I needed a big pot of no-caf tea for that, so some beloved Fauchon, yet more from Dexter3657, and all was right. (:
The rooibos is definitely present here, but it works well with the other aromas and flavors (it doesn’t taste anything like Butiki Coconut Cream Pie but reminds me of it in that it uses the rooibos flavor upfront, acknowledges it, doesn’t try to mask it). For some reason the taste just makes you think of crunchy orange fall leaves. There’s a sort of crispiness, a something-was-fresh-and-then-it-was-dried-and-now-it’s-disintegrating tone somehow. That maybe sounds gross but I don’t mean it super literally. It’s just a feeling. Fauchon is great at evoking complicated feelings through scent, at least for me. Hard to describe or explain.