3010 Tasting Notes
I am not a banana fan, so I approached this sample from Doulton a little suspiciously, but
…wow! The chamomile, banana, and coconut work really nicely together—you can’t really taste where one ends and the other begins. Furthermore, chilled, this is a nice smooth summer cooler. I can see myself tossing in some orange or pineapple juice to make this more punch-y.
Wombatgirl procured some corn tea
And sent a small sample to me.
You don’t have to be brainy
To perceive it tastes “grainy”
But it’s popcorny pleasant, you see.
(I dunno … I may drain this limerick thing dry!)
Yep, liquid popcorn. Going to ice some down for a yard work tea and see how it goes.
Really nice—a nice round fruity taste, not tart and none of that nasty hibiscus hiding behind the good stuff :o)
But I’m wondering … do you consider black currants to be more grape-ity or more blackberry-ish? I am having to re-think my opinion.
For me, black currant is more of a fermented grape flavor… when I taste wine, I taste black currants. But I can also taste the blackberry flavor in there too… sort of a pleasant meld of the two fruits…
Credit and thanks to Doulton for the opportunity to try this one: nice strong sugar-cookie vanilla. Very sweet, but not sticky-sweet. I’ll give it …. an Ernie on a zero to Kermit scale. (Just seems like the day for all things friendly and Sesame.)
A limerick tea:
Oh, my! What an interesting green.
Unlike many others I’ve seen.
You can’t taste much rice,
But ooh, it’s still nice!
Sweet and malty—-it’s fit for a queen.
(More succinctly—like drinking the inside of a Whoppers malted milk ball. Yum!!!!)
This smelled so strong in the pouch, I was afraid I was going to have to push the slider clear down to Mr. Yuk. Don’t have to go that far, but I’m not gettin’ much o’nothin’ … Maybe a little piney or cedary hint in the background, which would be more appropriate if I were in the porch swing of an Ozarks cabin on this soggy day, instead of stuck at a desk. Bottom line—diluted Mr. Clean.
A longer review of this is now up at www.itsallabouttheleaf.com. This is a nice, tangy Keemun for no-frills, no-flavors, non-adulterated black tea lovers.
I tried the Hao Ya B the other day, and I thought it was…. very odd. I didn’t know you were out there too! Cool. :)
Do you think I have the terminology correct … that Hao Ya isn’t a “flavor” per se, but it’s the grade of tea? That’s the best info I could find.
Aesthetically speaking, it’s lovely in the little sheer bag. Flavorfully speaking, it’s OK, but nothing to write poetry about. Maybe Will Scarlet on a scale of zero to Robin Hood. Just one sample bag available, but I’m thinking it might be better iced.