3010 Tasting Notes
I have a longer review ready for itsallabouttheleaf.com, but this one disappointed me a little. It’s good tea—nothing I’ve tried from Golden Moon is less than excellent quality—but seemed a little too nondescript for a breakfast tea.
Most herbal stress busters lean on a lemony base, and TeaFrog’s Stress Reliever fits the stereotype. It’s pleasantly lemongrass-heavy when you examine the dry blend and when you drink a steeped cup.
(Reviewed and rated for medicinal value for an upcoming www.itsallabouttheleaf.com post.)
Here’s the first part of a more scholarly (?) studied (?) dissertation at http://www.itsallabouttheleaf.com/1099/tea-review-golden-moon-sugar-caramel-oolong/
The name of this tea is somewhat misleading—it represents the ingredients accurately, but doesn’t convey its character well at all. With sugar and caramel as the leading adjectives, I expected a heavy, sweet tea with the flavor of Sugar Daddies that would be fine alongside a doughnut or work well as a dessert tea.
If that’s what you’re looking for, best move on.
First time I’ve ever consciously tasted “not rooibos” in order to compare the two. Really nice…there’s something just a touch sharper in the taste profile than rooibos; enough so that my husband mentioned a similarity to Red Zinger minus the tartness. Better still—it was inexpensive; our local health food place has bulk-by-the-ounce so it’s doesn’t cost much to experiment!
My fault for storing this improperly…nice sample sent by Lori (I think … sorry for being forgetful!) has been in a baggie instead of a tin, so I think it lost some muscle during the summer months. Very nice and smooth and I will enjoy it to the last leaf, but I’m not sure if I were doing a blind taste test, I’d say, "Oh! That’s peanut butter flavored tea!) Next cup, I’ll try some milk and sweetener.