3010 Tasting Notes
The Mount of Olives varieties I’ve tried up to this point have been surprisingly nice. This one doesn’t live up to the standard, but only because I am not a licorice fan. They’ve used it as sweetener in an otherwise nice chamomile and now I feel like somebody’s rubbed a glue stick on my tongue!
Too tired after work to fuss with loose leaves tonight, so this is the first bagged herbal I grabbed out of my tea chest. Cringed a little when I saw “licorice powder” in the ingredients, but surprise! it’s hiding behind the nice fruit flavor. This one’s worth repeating. I’ll have to go paw through my collection to see if there are any extra bags lurking around.
My new acronym for Assam is A Specially Strong Awakening Morning tea. This one fits perfectly. Further review and introspection (gladly!) forthcoming for www.itsallabouttheleaf.com, but suffice it to say that as an Assam fan, this one moves toward the top of my list.
Didn’t want anything herbal, but also want a good night’s sleep tonight, so I popped in some fresh mint leaves from Peppermint Patty (the potted mint plant we’re coddling through frost weather by hauling it inside every night) … that helped fill in the flavor gaps.
This morning’s quote on the bag tag: “My home is where my books are.” (Looking forward to spending some time there this weekend.)
Still a fair-to-middlin’ morning breakfast tea requiring no preparation thought whatsoever.
Wow! It has a little burn to it … reviewing in more detail for www.itsallabouttheleaf.com, and my chief observation is that it’s nice to find a medicinal herbal that doesn’t have lemon as its flavor mainstay. May be helpful and handy come cold and flu season.
Oh, no! I didn’t know licorice was in this. A friend at work gave me a bunch of this to try. I may have to open it tonight to see how bad it is!
why do people toss licorice in everything :(
Wish I knew! (I’m not a big sweetener fan in general.)
The same reason they put hibiscus in everything, I guess.