3010 Tasting Notes
Cold enough that flavor takes a backseat to temperature; I don’t care as long as it’s hot. Thus, a good day to drink this no-name addition to a Hickory Farms gift basket. Nothing to write home about, but it’s not terrible. First adjective that came to mind was “tawny.” I’m not sure I’ve ever had tawny tea before, but if I did, this would be it.
I waited till I had a whole afternoon to play with this one, primarily because I wanted to prep a decent review for www.itsallabouttheleaf.com, and secondarily because I understand that pu-erhs keep going and going and going and going …. will be writing about it more gracefully elsewhere, but it surprised me that it wasn’t as peat-moss tasting as I had expected.
Found a lookalike recipe for Starbucks Gingerbread online and actually attempted it yesterday (mind you, this requires measuring flour and “creaming till fluffy” — techniques which are the outer limits of my cooking ability) and this just seemed like the appropriate accompaniment. With a little honey, t’wasn’t bad.
The gingerbread wasn’t an exact copy, but again, t’wasn’t bad, either. It only collapsed a little in the middle.
To be truthful, I no longer remember what brand this is - hubby bought it several winters back and it got dumped in a generic tin. Proof that old tea never dies, it just fades away. Now it’s just black tea with a hint of a suggestion of a memory that there might have been some butterscotchy flavor to it. But still…not bad!
Review’s up at www.itsallabouttheleaf.com. Starts something like this:
Many lemon-mint based herbal blends are pretty nondescript. It can be difficult to tell where one ingredient ends and the other begins. On the other hand, the ingredient line-up for Chamomile Citron is like a bunch of feisty schoolkids competing for your attention.