Finally back home on the West Coast and this was the first tea that I grabbed this morning since I was craving it back in Alberta but left it here. Doesn’t need any additives as it’s delicious on its very own. I haven’t even gone grocery shopping yet, and was planning to do so as well as run a few other errands, so I got all ready to go. Then I put an emergency frozen pizza in the oven for lunch before heading out and it’s made me sick. So now I’m afraid to go anywhere. Ugh! Maybe I’ll wait for an hour or two and see if I should leave the apartment.

This smells and tastes raisiny to me but I love that despite not caring too much for them, especially in baked goods. It’s like a wholesome baked dessert, if you can even call a dessert that!


Hope you feel better!


I am, thanks!

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Hope you feel better!


I am, thanks!

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