Spammers on Steepster
How about someone deleting this spammer’s account. She keeps coming back.
Didn’t someone already delete this spammer’s account.
Wrote: " georgina24 i am new in browsing, please write me at now, ( [email protected]/om )"
In one of my notes.
Taniya Liza is selling Pakistani Escorts, who are all tea hating coffee lovers.
This one keeps coming back. Can’t we remove her account? Or is that done and she creates a new account with a new but same name.
Laiba Six and her band of Merry Pranksters is back. Off with her head!
Seriously, why is she able to recreate the same account over and over again? Shouldn’t that account be banned by now.
I also wonder why she bothers. I don’t know of a single man from Karachi on this website. Who does she think she is going to sell her services too? Someone in the USA? Not very likely.
Someone posted awhile back that the spammers get paid for every post they place on a website, so I think the impetus is money, not attracting male companions. For all we know, Laiba Six IS a man.
We should at least make it more difficult. They don’t even have to come up with a new user name. It should be impossible for them to recreate the same user name again.
Are you sure it’s the same account? I changed the password so she shouldn’t be able to login…
It’s back.
If the name is removed from the system I like the idea of one of us creating an account under that name to prevent her from being able to use it again.
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