Spammers on Steepster

2525 Replies


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mrmopar said

Seems to be an attack going on now. All kinds of new people with products and escort services popping up.

Uniquity said

I just “killed” it but it will take a bit for them to leave the system.

mrmopar said

I am killing a bunch of new stuff coming in on the explore tab.

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Thanks both of you for keeping Steepster pleasant and spammer free.

mrmopar said

We cant get them all. I had 2 follow me with .com business site descriptions.

AllanK said

I have often wondered what the point is to these spammers. No one here is going to give them business no matter how many posts they put up. Why bother?

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I could never understand spamming. Maybe they get paid a small stipend for anything they post, however wrong the venue? Rhetorical question, that…

Jason select said

There are big SEO firms that are hired by companies (small and big alike) to boost their ranking in search engines like Google. A really easy (but ineffective) way to boost your ranking is by increasing the number of sites that link to your page. So the SEO firms hire really cheap online labor to spread their client’s links all over the web. Those links end up on places like Steepster and what not that allow account creation and content posting. We do what we can to prevent automated actions like this, and even manual (human) activities too, but at the end of the day it’s pretty tricky to stop a person who is getting paid to spam your site and as many other sites as possible. For them, it’s really just a numbers game. Get as many links as possible for a minor “boost” in ranking.

All sites that have any reasonable amount of traffic have to deal with spammers like them. It’s just part of the game I suppose…

mrmopar said

I have been catching a lot on the explore feed.

Jason select said

Awesome. I really appreciate it.

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Jason select said

I want to do a quick shout out to all the mods who’ve done such an awesome job and made my life significantly easier by being on top of all the spammers that like to pop their ugly heads into our tea business. I really can’t express how much worry that has lifted from my shoulders. You guys, as always and forever, kick ass.

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mrmopar said

Can’t seem to get this one out.

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This one is too old –

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Another too old –

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Jillian said
AllanK said

It’s gotta be spam. Nothing real could sound so disgusting.

Sil select said

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mrmopar said

Too old.
ankita sharma
John Pethor

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