Spammers on Steepster

2525 Replies
AllanK said

Here is a spam follower

Jason – too old

Uniquity said

Another pair of “too old” spam followers:

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JC said

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mrmopar said

Too old.
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Uniquity said
Brian said

i was looking at that procedure too. darn.

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K S said

too old
Ahmad Rifai Sagala

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Brian said

what is “too old”?

Uniquity said

If the user registered more than a month ago, we can’t remove them. An actual mod (aka steepster overlord) has to deal with it.

Jason select said

You rang?

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JC said

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How do you delete spammers? Do you have to be given the power to do that by an admin? I saw a few this evening but couldn’t figure out how to get rid of them.

Morgana – it’s something you have to be given the authorization to do.

Thought so. Thanks.

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mrmopar said

Too old.
Cafe Deli

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curlygc said

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AllanK said

This one is creating posts so he won’t be removed.

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