Spammers on Steepster

2525 Replies
curlygc said

Laiba Six is back and posting about Karachi hookers again.

Do you have a link?

curlygc said

Somebody must have gotten it, it’s gone.

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curlygc said

Someone got this, before other people check like I did.

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Wow … they’re not even trying to be stealthy!

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K S said

Zapped several this morning, hiding as new teas. Death to spam!

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Sil select said

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Angrboda said

I had a thought.

It would be really useful if those of us with spam-squashing abilities could have access to some sort of ‘newest members’ list other than haunting the explore page. That way it would be easier for us to hit all those who are merely an advert and it would be more difficult for them to hide for a few months before doing anything on the site and be too old for us to remove. The explore page only shows what’s going on right now, and it can’t be monitored constantly.

Jason select said

Yea, it’s been suggested before. I’m not necessarily against it, I just don’t want people to feel like they have to monitor all new accounts. Our general approach has been to get the spammers once they start making themselves obvious (but posting a bunch of stuff) and leaving the non-active ones since they’re less harmful. But it’s always something we can adapt in the future.

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Sil select said

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Angrboda said another one which is too old.

Angrboda said

Also, we’re being massively bot-ed this morning. I’ve hit a bunch of them but most I have to leave because they haven’t put anything in their bio. Pretty sure they’re all connected though. It’s all the ‘two random words plus a number’ type of username and the bios on the ones I could remove were the same as well. Different subject, but the same sort of wall of text. Anything from mildew allergy to bird watching via x-box and wedding planners…

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