Spammers on Steepster
Too old:
they’ve been awful lately. usually delete like 3 in the morning when i get up :(
Look at it this way, if you ever need a garage door repaired in Seattle or an escort in Mumbai, you’re set!
Solahart seems to have created a bunch of spam companies listed under the ‘s’ (and possibly other letters) again.
I’ve also be folllowed by these users:
Too old:
Also, I can’t delete this:
Wow, that took me down the rabbit hole. Just cleared out a bunch based around that one. I don’t know how they managed to remove all info about the creator of that one.
I’m assuming one of you marked the user as a spammer for that tea that Marzipan couldn’t delete? Not sure why the user was removed but the tea wasn’t…
I could see a bunch on the similar teas list, but when I clicked on the users I would just get the black screen.
This company’s ‘teas’ look a lot like power tools:
Edit: Also I can still see a ton of Solahart listings under the ‘S’ tea companies.
that’s just off the explore tab from the last hour, you can see tons of these sorts of obvious spam users joining all the time
Also if you search for users with common spam keywords in the name, you find hundreds, like most of these “people”:
yep. I’ve been doing that for a while, but there are times of the day that none of us are awake and checking explore. I usually get rid of 20+ each day, and that only covers a few hours time. A lot of the ones in the users search are very old, and I mentioned it to Jason but unless/until they start actively spamming I think the plan is to ignore them (as mods can’t remove users who have been around longer than a month). But thank you for bringing these up!!
This ^
At any given time I can watch explore and get a lot of them – they seem to come in waves. But it’s a volunteer gig after all, so we are off working/eating/sleeping other times and definitely miss some. That’s why we asked if there was a way to get the full day’s list of registrations, since there are FAR more fake ones than real ones. I would venture to say that maybe 1 in 30 is a real tea person.
I have thought about this though. So many of them are likely real companies (Kirkland garage door repair is pretty specific, right?) Could we contact that company, ask who they are paying to promote their business and then get a cease and desist filed against that company? I doubt many of the companies who are being promoted know it’s in a spammy way.
They seem to fall into the category above and then actual spammy ones – like the ones that aren’t in English, or of course the Solaharts.
They get smarter too. I see registrations getting closer and closer to believable – or empty. And then spam happens. It must be real people, it’s hard to imagine a spam bot wising up as quickly as some of these have.
I hate the ones that I’m 99% sure are spam accounts, but they don’t post anything in their profile or anything at all so I can flag them. Then they age out and I can’t.
I bet it’s the same one’s i’ve got Allank, is it these 2?
I wonder if they are reading this thread and figuring out how to spam better?
and all the fake teas and companies it’s adding/reviewing
Too old:
I know there’s dozens joining every day, but this one in particular made me laugh:
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