Spammers on Steepster
Apparently someone thinks I might be up for something kinky:
I also found these spam ‘teas’:
(apparently it’s a white tea)
Looks like our old friends at Solahart are gearing up again:
They’re using a * or some other symbol at the start of their names to get around a blocker.
Looks like there’s also a crapload more of fake solahart companies under the ‘s’ in the tea company listings.
I go through sometimes and puzzle out the user that made them. If we delete the user, the fake teas disappear, and I assume the companies do too. Mention them here and someone will tackle it. :)
A couple have started following me this past week or so :/
If you can find and list them, I’ll remove them. They may already be removed though. In the morning when I am at work I keep an eye on recent activity and remove them after they sign up. Sometimes they get a bit of annoyance done, but that disappears.
Tile and Grout Cleaning in Florida
Look Back and Remember
The first one isn’t even poetic.
Can you link their profile?
Never mind I found them, it just makes it quicker for the volunteers to flag them.
Jason, this one is too old:
Jason – too old:
Due to the amount of spammers creating fake ‘teas’, would it be possible to implement some kind of system whereby a user must be active for X amount of time or post Y amount of notes etc. before they can create new database entries?
I don’t know if it’s practical or even possible but it might help tackle the sheer volume of spam.
We may do something like that. Or make change the threshold on creating new teas. We have a few ideas but haven’t had a chance to implement anything new since the last big spam prevention push. I guess they’re still really interested in Steepster as a marketing tool… :(
Just cleared out the recent teas, btw. I’ve been trying to, and will continue to, keep an eye on those in the mean time though.
Sounds good! And hey, at least it means they see steepster as a valuable potential market ;)
I would almost suggest having the mods approve memberships. I know at any given time if I watch the live feed, I can catch 5 or 6 spam accounts. I always wonder how many get past us when someone doesn’t happen to be watching.
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