Spammers on Steepster

2525 Replies

Just saw this person join Steepster.

looseTman said

When will this idiot lean that spamming / harrassing our site only insures that we will NOT buy their products!

From what I understand it is about inflating their search engine rankings, not about getting us to buy.

Jason select said

Yea, it’s all about boosting links to their site, which increases their “credibility” in search engines and makes them rank higher for related search terms. The silly thing is that we don’t use no-follow links in the forums (standard practice) which tells the search bots that determine search credibility to not consider the URL destination as credible for search. So all the links don’t actually help their search ranking…

looseTman said

Thanks for the info. Are search engine ranking rules routinely reevaluated to see if revisions are needed? They should be modified to remove any incentive for such spamming.

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Tealizzy said

Another spam account: rifinsolahart

Jason select said

Got that one, thanks.

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Angrboda said

Hello, this is not a real reply. Just checking to see if I can post on the boards again.

Jason select said

Seems to be working.

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looseTman said
Uniquity said

Marked as spam, should be gone soon.

I flagged them as well. It doesn’t appear to be working today.

Uniquity said

I noticed. :(
E-mailed Jason. So much for superpowers!

Dinosara said

They’re gone now, so either Jason took care of it or it just takes a bit for the banning to go into effect.

Yes, It takes just a litlle while. It did when we tested.

Jason select said

I didn’t do anything to it, so it was all you guys. Thanks!

Yay :-)

Uniquity said

Haha. Go team! When I tested it was fairly well instant, that is why I thought there were issues. Maybe we confused the system by all doing it at once? :)

Jason select said

As long as the page is still accessible it will likely display the removal confirmation message, even if other people have already clicked the removal link and it is in the process of removing the content. So there shouldn’t be a worry about mulitiple people clicking the link at the same time.

Jason, how many of us is there??

Jason select said

13 right now. I’ve also invited others that I’m waiting to hear back from.

Angrboda said

The one I got to test my new superpower on didn’t seem to go away after I had clicked, but when I refreshed the page it was gone. I was using my phone, though, but I don’t think that should make a difference.

I killed about 8 accounts last night. I’m enjoying my new power immensely.

Jason select said

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. :P

I get to be Spiderman TOO! Awesome!

And it wouldn’t have been so many if solahart hadn’t been trying at a rate of approximately once every 5 minutes or so.

Uniquity said

We’re way too into this!

Angrboda said

Awww… I’ve only got to try the test one. I’m very much looking forward to punching Solahart on the nose, though. >:D

Dinosara said

Haha I know what you mean, I haven’t really spotted any yet, although I did kill an account called “car shipping company” with a sketchy web address earlier. Everyone is so on top of it!

It is unfortunately hard to stalk the livestream when the site keeps freezing though :(

Uniquity said

Yeah, I can’t see new users (as far as I know) at present. I want to feel the powah!

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looseTman said

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looseTman said

An entire page (28 links!) of = solacrap courtesy of soladumb!

I flagged them, but they haven’t disappeared yet.

looseTman said

Yay Marzipan!

Angrboda said

Rats! I got one about a film download, though. I really want to banninate solahart.

Uniquity said

Same here. Tried a while ago. Jason said the delay may be related to the issues with the workers.

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looseTman said
Kaylee said

and the stepup user profile:

Uniquity said

I marked some of those as spam yesterday morning. Surprised they’re still there but I hit them again, as I am sure others have. Hopefully the workers get vack on track so Steepster starts updating all the time.

Uniquity said

Also I thought new users couldn’t create or modify teas for a month? Is that true?

Angrboda said

I thought the same thing, Uniquity. Perhaps they’ve found a cheat-way around it?

Note to looseT: we just need the user profile link, in theory if we flag the profile it removes all of their submissions.

Angrboda said

Besides, that’s where the mark as spam button is. :)

Jason select said

New accounts can add teas/content, but they can’t edit existing stuff for the first month.

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looseTman said
Angrboda said

Marked it.

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looseTman said
Dinosara said

Marked, thanks!

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looseTman said

Got it.

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