Notices Never Load
So is this just my terrible luck or is it wonky for everyone…I click on the notices and they never load…I am at 3,000+ and it irritates me!
If you were having that problem and fixed it, please share your knowledge with me :)
Oh, this is happening to you, too? It’s so frustrating! I thought it was just a blind software thing, but clearly it isn’t. What do we do?
Is anyone else still having problems with this…my notices are almost at 5,000 and still won’t load :(
Yup, still having the exact same problem, and like you my notices are like in the fifteens of thousands or something ridiculous like that. I’ve emailed the admins about it, but so far nothing has happened.
Same thing again. For a second the notices link won’t have a number next to it, but no notices load. If I try and reload the page I’m back to square one.
Thanks for looking into this.
Unfortunately, it’s still the same. You’re welcome to highjack my account if you think that might help.
Account highjacked! Okay, I think I managed to clear the notices. I tested it out and it seems to be okay for now…
I wonder if the issue is that they just queue and never “dump” so to speak unless you look at them? If that is the case it would only get worse without some sort of technical fix. Mine load fine but I check them often so the number is never higher than 25 or so.
I’ve got the same thing with the notices not loading. I kept trying to look at them to clear them months ago, but gave up when they’d never load. Now they’re over 6k. Lol. Annoying since I’d wish they’d clear, but a bug’s a bug I guess.
yay!! I can finally check my notices! What an awesome thing to wake up to. Thank you!
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