What is the best brand of Matcha tea to buy/ I have seen and heard of so many. And should you drink it thick or thin?
I don’t personally know much about straight matcha but you can click on the “Teas” tab and limit your search to matcha (on the right) and that will show you the highest rated or most popular variety.
Also, this may not interest you but Red Leaf Teas makes flavored matchas which are really delicious.
Sorry I couldn’t be more help. I am sure someone here on steepster will have a better answer for you soon enough :)
start out with either domatcha or purematcha, those are usually good choices. If you ever stumble upon’s matcha, I don’t recommend it despite the amount you get. Thick or thin, depends if you like your matcha to have the body of water or coffee (as in body).
Check out Sugimoto on line. They carry both culinary and organic ceremonial matchas. Inexpensive sample sizes are available for uji matcha, as well as powdered hojicha and genmaicha. Good company.
The “Kiri no mori” matcha from is a great one to start with. Great price/quality ratio :)
matchagirlparis has a nice blog which has some nice reviews of internationally available companies.
As to whether thick or tjhin, I think that is more a personal preference, but be aware that certain preparations of match a are better suited to one prep. Or the other. Some companies state which type of prep. each matcha is best suited to.
Two other excellent Matcha teas that come to mind are Aiya and KaiMatcha
I like usucha. I find koicha is harder to prepare well, and requires a higher grade matcha to taste good. I buy mine from Tea Dogu.
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