Another reminder, you have to have iOS7 otherwise it won’t work.
Hi Jason,
I’m not using the app right now because even though I turn push notifications off, as soon as I open the app, push notifications are back on.
Ah, good catch. Adding that to the bug list.
My device has been added for months, it shows it in the TestFlight app. And I am running iOS7. I just reconnected my phone to TestFlight, though. Maybe it will work now?
Our laast version was early Jan (been a little busy with the next update). Hoping to get it out soon and you should get a notification when that is published. After that, we should be pretty close to a full launch!
New build is out. Get the latest through TestFlight!
I have iOS7 now! I signed up for TestFlight and linked my device. So if there are still spots available, I’d love to try out the app and provide feedback. Thanks!
I just installed Testflight an hour ago. Should i see the latest build in there?
So far so good with the app!! Very functional, only request it ability to use all functions (messages, access to the discussion board) but right now it’s so fluid and very visually pleasing:) great job guys!!
Everything is nice and fast, but it’s hard to find teas. I like how you can see the number you’re rating it on the slider (wish the website had that).
It would be good if a button was added to the bottom that said “record tasting note” and searching gave you the option of “Search from Cupboard” first. It’s a lot to sort through if I want to add a tasting note if I need to find the tea first and it has a generic name.
Maybe like the iTunes app, where you can choose what buttons are on the bottom menu? Under settings, you can change what search defaults to? I’d like to get to my cupboard and click “Rate this tea” to add a tasting note.
Make tasting notes as easy & fast as possible (like Foursquare or Yelp tips) since that’s the main purpose of the app, right?
Good suggestions. We actually spec’d having the “log a tasting note” in the main nav but ended up taking it out. Maybe we’ll add that back.
I like the other ideas too, though they’re more complicated so we’d probably have to address with a later update.
I’ve been playing around with the app for the past couple days, and I have to say, it looks great!
But just like what Nicole suggested, if there was a way of looking through your personal cupboard, or other peoples cupboards would be nice! It’s hard to find some teas sometimes.
And I don’t know if the “add a photo” option is just a placeholder when you add a tasting note through the app since it definitely doesn’t work for me.
But all in all, I love the look of the app, and I am definitely in love with the new look of the site :)
Thanks for the feedback!
The photo add should be working…it won’t let you add a photo at all?
Nope, it hasn’t worked since I got the app :(
Does the app automatically update, because I haven’t updated it manually at all. I just tried again just now and still nothing! Maybe it’s just my phone? Ahha I’ll restart it after class and see if that does the trick :)
+1 to adding our Cupboards to the app. I really miss that.
As of right now the search feature is not functioning for me at all. I type something in and hit “search” and it acts as though I haven’t done anything.
I’m also missing the cupboard feature. Because of these two things I can’t write tasting notes at all with the app.
Yes to both of these. I have only successfully searched for 1 tea several days ago. Now the search function brings up nothing.
Adding the cupboard is a necessity. I don’t really care about seeing my highest ratest teas or my wishlist (though this could be handy when out shopping), but I need to see my cupboard (and search through it) to make tasting notes.
Interesting feedback. I can see the usefulness of having the cupboard, we just didn’t realize how integral it was as a method of finding the teas you want to log – but it makes sense. We’ll have to think about the best way to handle that.
Is search still not working for you? That sounds like a separate issue.
Just downloaded the app and I agree that the search feature doesn’t seem to work at all. If I go to Explore and use one of the suggested searches (Black Tea, Oolong Tea, etc.), then I can get a list of teas to appear. But if I type in a tea name and press Search, nothing happens.
ETA: I tried slowly typing a word and if I don’t press Search but just wait, then the page does populate with some results. However, this doesn’t work consistently and the results aren’t always relevant, so I’m not sure what’s going on.
Search only kicks in when you type 3 or more letters.
For me, it only kicks in when I type 4 or more.
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