Miscellaneous Sales

2812 Replies

I’m sure somebody else has prolly already submitted this one but SpecialTeas.com is actually at 75% off right now. There isn’t a whole lot left. . . but I was able to spend my tea allowance quite nicely for this week.

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If you order from Tipu’s Chai b4 Saturday(coupon expires then), use this coupon on the site:CHAILOVERS Good for 15% off

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Lori said

Teance has a sale: 15% off all purchases over $65. Offer available until January 20th.
Use code: connections.

Also All purchases over $100 receive a 3 tea sampler chosen from white, green, oolong, red or pu-erh teas. (house picks)

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Lori said

For Golden Moon: For this week only, the 2nd flush Darjeeling Jungpana estate is 25% off. Just use the promo code “second” at the shopping cart page to redeem your offer.

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Jude said

$10 for $20 worth of tea from ESP Emporium – deadline for making the coupon purchase (through kgb deals) is around 11pm eastern this Monday 1/17, then you’ll have until 7/18 to actually purchase the tea.


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Chi of Tea said

15% off for newsletter subscribers!
$8 flat rate Priority shipping worldwide!
Free shipping on all $50 or more orders!


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Pithy said

Does anyone use groupon?

Teance in Berkeley has a $20 for $40 deal going on today. And it’s redeemable online.


Cofftea said

I do, but I have yet to run into any tea deals.

Frolic select said


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Frolic select said

Another Groupon Deal

Today it’s ESP Emporium spend 15 get 30


Picked one up. Thanks!! Been wanting to try some of theirs for a while now. . . but I think I hear my wallet whimpering!

brandy3392 said

Is the certificate good for their online store?

I understood it to work online. I also guessed since they references shipping not being included. Hope I am right since I got one.

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Hey Steepster’s!

It’s been a while but I’ve been thinking about you guys and gals!

Here’s a deal for you. 25% off any order until the end of February. Can’t beat that! Just use coupon code ‘steepster’ in your shopping card while shopping or when checking out to save 25% off your entire order. Our prices are already very low, so this is a steal!

Any questions, feel free to comment or email me at [email protected]

Also, if you have a web site or blog and want to become an affiliate and earn 25% of any business you send our way, email me. I supply banners and links. Thanks!

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Howdy all! Just found a Groupon in Naples for the Tea District if anybody is interested. .


Take care! (and i’m in no way affiliated with these guys either- just looks like a good deal)

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