Which new features do you want the most?
LOVE the new Dashboard!
I also like it quite a bit. It’s much less intimidating and much better organized!
Any chance we’ll be able to get a Decaffeinated category for tea?
Glad you like it! More categories/fields for tea pages are on our radar for the near-future :)
An email explaining the new changes that were made would be nice- especially since I hope there are more updates to come!:)
Copy a facebook feature- if we got it in a tea swap from another steepster member, and put @username or just enter a name that matches a username it is a link to the person’s profile
That one might be specific to you since mine seems to be working fine – new ones in bold and everything. You might need to contact them directly to see why yours isn’t updating.
Mine’s fine over here as well. It’s actually pretty useful to have everything separated out!
Cofftea: We'll take a look at that and see what's going on. In the future please send these types of messages to us using the Feedback button (located under the "More" tab or in the footer) or even email us at feedbacksteepster.com or [email protected]. Thanks.
Does anyone else have a delay in the notices? For example, mine says Jason’s reply was made 13 min ago, but here it says “about 1 hour ago”. I click the discussions tab freqently so I end up reading most comments long before they appear as a notice, get confused, and end up spending forever trying to hunt down a new post because I don’t want to miss anything.
@Cofftea… we were having some issues with the forum comments being recorded as notices (I think that’s why you were seeing the delay). Should be fixed now…let us know if you’re still seeing a big delay.
i dont know if this was mentioned directly or not (i did some reading and couldnt find it, but i could be wrong) a chat room, but have it a pop up window so whoever doesnt want to be involved or read peoples chit chat dont have to. and for it to like hang out at the bottom of the page as long as you are at the steepster page (kinda like facebook chat but more of a room rather than individual chat)
if this was mentioned already feel free to delete this :)
I like the pop up window idea, but I think you should also have to sign into the chat room separate from your steepster account (just by re-entering your screen name and pass word). And of course a group chat should be separate from a private IM.
Or at least an “enter chat room” button instead of making it appear automaticallly. That’d work too.
i should have been more clear :p i got excited that no one wrote it so i started typing away. i ment for that to a part of it so we dont have an annoying chat bubble on our screen if we dont wanna chat
In the tea profile page, say “This tea has been drank by x people y times!”.
maybe a list of 5-6 people who rated the tea the same as you. like have so its based on rateing and user activity. for example a less active user (some one who hasnt logged anything in 3 weeks-2 months) is moved down the list
That’s already been suggested, except the part about being based in part on user activity. I’m not sure I like that idea. When I want to find people w/ similar tea tastes as me it’s their tea tastes I’m interested in, not how much they’re active.
Not a feature request, I think, but the answer might have been in this thread somewhere and I missed it. Also, I didn’t know where else to ask and didn’t want to start a thread to ask. Is there any way to tell what new posts have been added to a thread when they are replies, other than scrolling through the whole thing and looking at the time stamps?
Thanks Angrboda & Cofftea. With stuff like this, I sometimes wonder if I’m missing something that everyone else is doing. =) Okay, one more question like this down below.
Some way to make it easy for people to share their home made tea concoctions and experiments, like what flavors go with what, etc. I know there is a home made teas company already, but for mixing and matching flavors some other functionality is required. For example have 3 flavor lists where people can select “peppermint”, in another list “chamomile”, in a third list “ginger” if they made this concoction at home and rate it. It might not have any commercial value in the beginning but would encourage people to experiment with flavors. Then perhaps you can sell flavor links to organic herb companies, like “to buy the best organic lavender click here”….
I don’t think we should be limited by consumerism; rather we should feel encouraged to broaden our knowledge of tea, whether a particular product’s sale is at stake or not. Sometimes my loose teas are from companies, but sometimes they’re amalgamations of fresh herbs from my garden, or dried herbs from my local Mexican, Middle Eastern or Asian grocery. I think Polina’s suggestion of links to companies selling loose ingredients is a good one, esp. if bolstering tea commerce is one of the missions of the site, or referrals help pay for the site, which of course does not just pay for itself. However, general ad space (vis-a- vis Facebook) may rectify that concern. I’d love to be able to share and rate some of my combinations with the intent of mere contribution towards tea knowledges in mind.
Okay, I have one more feature question. In our Dashboard, when reading the Tasting Notes of those we Follow, comments now show up on the main page instead of having to click to go to them, which I like. They used to show up chronologically as people commented on Tealogs, then you’d click to be taken to that Tealog to see the new comment. How are ya’ll checking new comments once you’ve read the Tealog now?
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