Which new features do you want the most?

1697 Replies

I would like to be able to see discussions I’ve posted, so I don’t repost anything and I can just refer back later. Maybe it exists and I just can’t find it?

Mookit said

Probably not. As great as Steepster is, it doesn’t have a ton of features.

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Arster said

I’d like to see ratings attached to teas that have them in all views, for instance when searching by tea name, company name, cupboard etc.

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Having the newest responses at the top of the thread instead of pages later.

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Does/will Steepster have an API?

A number of the wished-for features here just involve displaying or finding info that’s already in Steepster, not adding anything new. Motivated users could certainly code up some simple third-party tools and take some of the burden off the site staff.

For example wished-for features that could easily be made by users:
- search text box that lets you look for particular tea(s) in your own (or a friend’s) cupboard/wishlist.
- being able to filter your cupboard/wishlist by tea type or features (only fruit teas, only non-caffeine).
- list of your teaware (basically another cupboard filter since teaware is currently mixed in with teas)
- list of discussion threads you posted in (you can already do this with Google site search, it’d just need a pretty interface.)

(And we’re not even talking about something as complicated as a full iPhone/Android app here.)

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Having the current rating popup work fully with mobile devices like my iPad. It’s over all pretty nifty but the method to put in tea amounts (decimals don’t exist when they can be important, they get rounded) but most importantly the steeping and temp sliders.

These don’t slide and I’ve tried for a long while lol trying to figure out if I just couldn’t get it. But no, it seems they don’t work with my mobile devices. Instead a game of tap, wrong temp, tap elsewhere to get away and re-tap to try again, over and over on both. Sometimes get lucky but sometimes not, and frustrating in any case.

Again, over all is nifty and works nicely on desktop but mobile that tweak would be nice. In the meantime I’m just typing in the info with my description when I can’t get it right on the mobile page.

On the flavor options would still like to see a lot of new ones added. I’ve emailed a few times when ideas hit me or I need some more not there but keep running into the same most common ones missing.

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An option in “e-mail settings” for disabling e-mail when someone posts to a topic I’m subscribed to. I still want to see it in “recent activity” (otherwise it’s impossible to know what’s new).

Ideally it should be possible to change per-topic, but I’d rather have nothing than everything.

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soleiltea said

I’m sure someone asked about this sometime before. But we would really appreciate the ability to post pictures in our discussions!

drpastry said

Here here!

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Jennifer said

I would absolutely LOVE to have a teawares section where you can enter a title, description, maybe purchase date/purchase location and picture of a specific teaware. You would then be able to link to the teawares used in a tealog.

Mookit said

This! Also for reviewing teaware.

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kmk said

I wish you could add where tea ingredients are grown. Also maybe where tea is manufactured.

This seems kind of like a logistical nightmare to implement, but it would be nice to at least be able to search by country. I tried finding Korean teas, but seemed to be limited to just teas with “Korea” in the name or company name.

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Casey select said

I wish I could search through my tealog/tea ratings to see if I’ve already tried a tea, and what I thought of it. :)

Skysamurai said

Agreed. It would be nice if there was an easier way to tell

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