Which new features do you want the most?

1699 Replies
looseTman said

Jason, Steepster needs a Teaware category for Water Filters. Thanks!

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looseTman said

Features that would be appealing to former Stpstr members who went to IG when Stpstr wasn’t reliable a few months ago.

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looseTman said

The ability to only have notices appear in my Steepster account instead of in both my Steepster and email accounts. Having to delete the redundant notices that clog up my email is inconvenient. Thanks!

Uniquity said

You can turn off e-mail notices if you don’t want them at all. Go to your account (hover over “You” in top right corner then select account from dropdown menu). When in your account, click e-mail settings and un-check whatever e-mails you don’t want.

If that isn’t what you meant, then never mind. :)

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Wale O. said

hi im new to this…can anyone help me get updated with this website?

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PlutoCow said

It would be nice if there was a “deselect all” button when you are searching for teas. Currently, you can select all really easily, but if you want to search for just one type of tea, you have to click a million buttons, which reloads the page each time you click a checkbox, and it is very time consuming.

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TeaNTees said

I wish the tasting notes were sorted by the most recently posted. It proves difficult when searching out teas that have been re-blended a couple of times to try and locate the most recent reviews to be sure that it is accurate. As in I just received the newest pancake breakfast by 52 teas re-blend, but there have been so many over time that I would like to see tasting notes for this most recent adaptation of the tea without having to search all 12 pages.

Am I making any sense? Ha Ha, Thanks. :)

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Magycmyste said

- iphone/android app
- ability to sort teas in my cupboard by brand, or by caffeine content (I’m often looking for tea with a certain level of caffeine rather than a specific brand or flavor) and, while I’ve noticed that a lot of entries don’t have this filled out, I usually take the effort to do so C(I’m still trying to rebuild my caffeine tolerance so I can drink what I want, when I want, but in the meantime, I have to be careful about what I drink and when).
- ability to actually search my cupboard
- also, seconding TeaNTees’ request that tasting notes (on the tea’s page) be sorted by most recent.

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Kristal said

When reviewing the teas, for the amount it offers grams and tsp, but not tea bags. Not all tea is loose leaf.

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I wish there were some way that duplicates of the same tea could be combined. It would keep tasting notes of the same thing together, instead of in disparate areas.

Uniquity said

If you see duplicates, you can let Jason know and he’ll combine them. Ideally there is only one entry for each tea (other than different harvests).

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I think an iphone app would be a great idea.

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