Which new features do you want the most?

1699 Replies

I think user badges on the profile could be fun. Like, reviewed 10 black teas, reviewed 50, etc.

Sure, not functional, but fun.

Seconded. Badges are so fun. If you added these, I would probably end up spending all of my time on Steepster.

I think there should be a function available where you can like or upvote posts in discussion threads. Are there poll options available?

Ooh speaking of that, I’d like to subscribe to certain threads somehow, the ones I like to keep checking back on.

And glad you agree on the badges =)

You can subscribe to any discussion thread, and generally speaking, if you reply to a discussion than you’re automatically subscribed to it.

That is true for notifications, I meant more like having it saved someplace to check back later if want to reference something.

ooh badges are awesome! reminds me of how they award trophies in gaming, or on nike+ running apps where they reward you at each distance milestone

OMara said

I would really love badges too.

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Could we have those mood updates kind of like on skype? You can update however often you want, and people see it in their recent activity if they follow you, and it’s one of the first things you see when you go to somebody’s profile? Maybe under the username?

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EmilyGee said

Sorry if this had been said before, but an option to see if teas in someone’s cupboard are on our wishlist and vice versa – if someone’s wishlist has teas that we have in our cupboard. It’d make swaps easier!

Shae said

I really like this idea! I only have a few teas in my cupboard now, but I’m guessing for those with hundreds of teas this would be a great timesaver.

EmilyGee said

Yeah! Half the time I cant even remember what’s on mine when I’m going through someone else’s… and I don’t even have that many!

Jude said

+1 This would be such an excellent help for those of us who interact.

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Jude said

Hoping it would be easy to allow us to sort our tasting notes by alphabetical and company so we can find them quickly, as we can with our ratings.

Currently in order to find our review of a particular tea we need to either wade page by page through our mass of tasting notes or go to the tea’s page and go through everyone’s tasting notes page by page to find ours.

Alternatives might be to add a link on a particular tea’s page for “go to your review” along with the option to review this tea – or a similar link alongside the tea on our ratings list. Just something that allows us to get to it directly rather than paging through what could be over a hundred entries. Thanks!

Yes, I was thinking of making suggestions for this problem too. Even something like on each tea’s page, there is a button next to the page numbers (something like “all pages”) and has an option to show all the tasting notes on one page for that tea, so I could hit the F3 key and search for my username. It seems like all of the pages would load quickly at the moment, but as time goes on, there will be even more tasting notes to go through/load on one page. Even having the tasting notes listed alphabetically by username or something would help, so you don’t have to go through ALL the tea’s pages and I could kind of guess what page my name would fall. Or even date the tasting notes were posted, newest first, five years old on the last page. There are a ton of ways this problem would be easier.

Kristal said

Totally agree!

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looseTman said

A website background color other than bright polar white or the ability for the user to choose a relaxing background color. This would be very helpful for those of us who suffer with migraines, photophobia, or some sort of photosensitivity. Thank you!

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sansnipple said

The ability to edit comments on tasting notes would be really nice, I shouldn’t have to delete and repost the whole comment to fix a typo or something.

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looseTman said

If one wants to use the Steeptster Highest Rated Teas list to select teas for purchase, it would be great if we could sort the list for only teas that are currently available.

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teatoad said

I would like to see the whole rating system change. 0-100 is to much. It make ratings meaningless. If something has a rating of 76 and another tea has 77 is there a difference?

I think it should be simple. 1 to 5 stars is a better rating system. This is what they do on every other product rate site. If you want to get “cute” make it teapots and use the icon from the logo.

As for the the current rates, you can just round the numbers. If sometime is a 78, it would round down to 75 making it a 4 star ( teapot, cup, etc ) review.

Kristal said

agreed, except maybe if it’s out of 5 make it so there could be half-ratings (i.e. 3.5). I’m on good reads and very often I wish I could rate a book an extra .5.

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I don’t know if this is doable, but I think it would really cool to be able to search for tasting notes (that aren’t necessarily in the name of the tea). For example, by searching buttery, all the teas that people have described as buttery would come up (the more the word has been mentioned in people’s tasting notes, the higher it would rank).

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