Which new features do you want the most?

1699 Replies
cookies said 11 years ago

It would be nice to be able to add any ingredient when adding a new tea, rather than having to choose one from the drop-down menu. Some ingredients aren’t in there so it gives an incomplete description.

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Marzipan select said 11 years ago

I wish the forum search function was better, for example using quotes to get an exact match. If I search for “golden tips tea” I don’t want to see golden dragon, gold tea, etc. It’s really hard to search for past threads.

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JohnTea said 11 years ago

I may have missed it, but there seems to be no way to see an overview of your subscribed threads on the website. This would be nice, as I sometimes cannot find back my thread if I want to see if there was anything new yet, and I don’t like to always get mails for every thread I replied to.

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Blodeuyn select said 11 years ago

Ability to share your tasting notes on social media sites.

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Fedaykin said 11 years ago

I would really love an app for Steepster on Android. There are several tea type apps on iPhone already (Tea for iPhone, Tea 2.0), but none of any similar type on Android.

Veronica select said 11 years ago

I agree!

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Zack S. said 11 years ago

Search should have a “sort by..” option after the search runs. I often have a craving for a certain flavor of tea (just now, I wanted something Roasted), but there is no option to sort within the search by Highest Rated or Sort by Most Popular. I literally have to click on every single result (often 20+ pages) to find the good ones.

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madametj select said 11 years ago

I would like it if there was a way to favorite threads so you didn’t have to go hunting for them when you want to make a new reply.

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Skysamurai said 11 years ago

Editing a note is still the hardest thing to do on this website. Trying to find a note you’ve done in the past is what makes it hard. The alphabetical way of doing it seems to be broken.

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Rasputkid said 11 years ago

It still really kills me that I can’t rank specific teas that I search. So if I search for Osmanthus, it shows me the teas that match the search, but I cannot sort them by rating or additional data. They don’t even have their number ratings visible I think. Is there something I am missing or is this feature completely missing?

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looseTman said 10 years ago

The most helpful Steepster feature would be … website reliability.

Anna said 10 years ago

I second this.

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