Which new features do you want the most?

1699 Replies
Skysamurai said

It would be nice if it was easier to edit our tea log. Having it in alphabetical order would be really helpful.

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teatoad said

Just wondering if there was any thought about changing the rating system. 0-100 is a huge range. what is the difference between a 65 and 70 rating or 85 vs 86. What about changing the ratings to 1-5 stars (or you can be “cute” and do tea cups)… for me it would be easier to rate a tea if i only had 5 options. i think it would mean more when looking at tea ratings.

Amazon, best buy, target, etc…. all using 1-5 scale.

Sushi said

This is what’s stopping me from rating teas. I have a hard enough time with a one through five scale!

Dr Jim said

I have the opposite view. Something like 90% of Amazon reviews give 4 or 5 starts, so there is very little to distinguish between ratings. I think hard about whether a tea is an 83 or an 84. The key for me is to have a dozen or so teas that I drink a lot that I use as comparison points; I ask myself “Is this better or worse than the 85 point tea? The 80 point tea? etc.”

I agree with Dr Jim – I like the 100 points!

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Sushi said
Export your tea data. This could be in a csv vile or a zip file like Twitter or Facebook. But this serves a few purposes: accessing your tea data in the event that Steepster is down, ownership of your data, and being able to do neat analysis on your teas, both for technical and nontechnical folks. (Especially since it doesn’t look like you have an API.) An off-topic forum for things that have nothing to do with tea. Tea discussion is awesome, but there are probably other things some of us tea drinkers have in common.

And I nth mobile apps. Even a mobile-friendly site would be good.

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Would still love a block/ignore function! ;)

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It would be really nice to be able to mark whether the teas in my cupboard are for ‘repurchase,’ ‘keep until gone,’ ‘under review,’ or ‘give away.’

Skysamurai said

oooo That would be awesome!

NofarS said

Yes, that would be very very useful

Jude said

Good one! I’d suggest one more category, too: ‘open for trade’

Love this!

Pyroxy select said

I kinda rig my way around it by marking the ones I’d want to reorder as part of my wishlist, but I’d totally use the ability to mark teas as “available for trade” – that’d be much better than combing through the swap discussions, etc.

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- Custom Categories/Labels/Tags for Tea Cupboard options (ex: for giveaway, sample size only, etc)
- Tea taste “Update” instead of making a NEW tasting note. This will show relationships as threaded (see: Yelp updated reviews)
- Change rating scale to 1-5 or 1-10

Also, sort discussions by most recent instead of oldest~ (this is a good case & point)

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After several days of attempted searches there are a few things I’d suggest for improvement:

-ability to sort search results by type of tea and company
-show ratings and number of tasting notes on teas on the search page
-search by ingredients (could be complicated, but I would love to be able to search for, say, peach teas. some things that come up when I search a word or two are completely irrelevant)

on the “teas” page:
-ability to exclude types of tea: it is very difficult to find true herbals/non-caffeinated teas with this feature, because “black/herbal mix” etc. is possible

I would say most important would be the ability to do more complicated searches (e.g. “peach” + rooibos teas, sorted by popularity).

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NofarS said

+1 to the “enough to share” label in the cupboard.
Ability to add a note when adding a tea to your shopping list – so that we can write why we added it, how we got to it, where to get it, etc.

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The one area of improvement I’d like to point out is the mailbox feature. When I first signed up with Steepster, it was set up so that the most recent messages received were on the top of the list (or at least I think it was set up like that). It’s not like that now.
So, if I get a message in my continuing discussion with Sil & TastyBrew, for example, that would jump to the top of the list.

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Jude said

Love the new design! Visually really nice. If I could suggest a couple of features that would really smooth the rating experience: on our own ratings pages, if we could read particular reviews we’d written without leaving the ratings page that would save so much time; it would be an enormous help to be able to e.g., get a popup of our review for a tea when we mouse over it. Second, it would be a time saver to have more teas per page so we can see more at a glance by scrolling instead of clicking next page. Thanks!!

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