Which new features do you want the most?

1699 Replies
Oro said

Separate page or filter for teaware and accessories (with extra type filters)

Have the places tab default to whichever location we’ve got set in our profiles.

It’d be amazing to have some way to find ‘teas near you’, rather than places. This should be possible by a ‘local vs. online’ filter (in the teas tab) or a button in the places tab. Downside to this would be that stores would need extra attributes for local and online sales, so there may be some inconsistencies, or a lack of data when first implementing this.

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I would be VERY appreciative of the Tea page not reloading every time you unclicked a tea type on the right-hand checklist. Since there’s not a way to uncheck them all, either, it’s frustrating when you only want to search for one or two of the types listed.

Maybe changing it to a "check boxes you want then click a “search” button" style instead of needing to individually uncheck or check each one and wait for the reload between every time?

I would really love that! :D

AnnaEA select said

Ditto. An ‘unselect all’ is a must.

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MissB said

- A way to merge (or delete) duplicate tea listings.

- When listing teas, showing their rating(s) right in search.

- Being able to easily choose the ‘best’ or highest rated… whatever.
Chocolate oolong. Chai. Earl Grey.

- Creating contests/competitions for folks to have as a group. I’ve read a lot of notes where people said they were searching for the “best” whatever kind of tea, and drank oodles of different kids – as did their friends – to help with the search.

- When listing a tea company, offering their contact information and basic details (URL, if there is one for instance) right on the page. This is also a great way for you guys to make a bit of cash! Also helps when there are similar, or duplicate tea company entries.

- Being able to move a whole list of things from one company from my Shopping List to my Cupboard.

- Printing off my Shopping List by company.

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Skysamurai said

Just turned on my computer (Windows OS 8.) I couldn’t help but think that it would be wonderful if there was an app that popped up on the metro screen when my computer starts. Listing tea of the day or week. Week would be easier on your guys.

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MissB said

I’d love to have a section for teas “on their way”. Separate from my cupboard or shopping list, but ones I’ve ordered or have swapped and are en route.

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It would be so nice to be able to add tasting notes from my iPad, but the sliding controls for water temperature and rating don’t work properly. They are a pain even on my desktop, because you have no accuracy inputting ratings without trying to guess where they are on the scale.

Yeah, the mobile device issue is a biggy for me.. Desktop isn’t perfect but I don’t mind it. On my ipad like right now it’s a real pain.

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Android App!

Pyroxy select said

Yes, this please.

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Skysamurai said

Is there a way to edit our tea posts? Sometimes I drink a tea again and I want to ad something to what I’ve said about the tea but I’m not sure of where the edit button is … if there even is one.

Ricky said

Yep! If you hover over your avatar on the upper right corner, you can click on “tealog.” This should be the same url as your profile so http://steepster.com/skysamurai. Then you can click on the “edit” button next to your post.

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Katiek said

Is there some way to make unchecking the “notify me when this topic is update” the default? I’ve set my email settings so I only get notices when I have a PM, but I can’t figure out how to stop the notices about new posts except by unchecking the box in each thread, each time I read it.

Ricky said

Don’t believe there’s a default setting, but you can unsubscribe individually by hitting on the “Subscribed” button next to the thread.

Katiek said


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Rating scale – Maybe it’s more correct to put five faces (red frowny face representing zero, and then 25 up each up to smiley face representing 100), because every time I want to rate a tea, it’s actually either lower or higher than the score I want to give.

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