Which new features do you want the most?

1699 Replies
Kaylee said

Please pretty please can you make it so that we can search our own tasting notes? It’s really frustrating to not be able to easily find my previous notes for a tea, or confirm whether I even made notes. Right now I have to ctrl-F every single page of my tasting notes. Boo. Thanks for reading, even if you can’t implement my request!


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mugger said

Minor thing, but it’d be nice if new users could update teas they themselves have submitted, to correct mistakes. Currently, only users >1 month can edit.

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Kirlika said

I’m not sure if this has been mentioned before or not (sorry but this is a really long thread to try to scan :D) but I would love it if we were able to sort a tea’s tasting notes (specifically I’d like to see a “by date” sort so that the more recent notes that have been posted for a tea could be seen first.)

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Hopefully this has not been suggested before, but reading through 46 pages of stuff seems exhausting. So, I would love to see a separate tab for tea gear so we can rate teapots and such. I know there are teapots and their ilk scattered with different companies or in the ‘teaware’ company, but I think it would be helpful to have a separate section like teas, discussion, places, and explore.

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I sent an e-mail a couple of days ago, and haven’t heard back so I’ll post on here to see if anyone has any advice.

I’ve been trying to add info in the about me section, and every time I click on the update page, it logs me out and doesn’t save any of the changes I made. Advice? (I’ve tried in different browsers, different computer, different building…)

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I second the adding of “Teaware” as a separate discussion category!

On the Tea Info/Ratings side:
1. Display the tea type (white, black, green, etc.) in all the thumbnails (when browsing, searching, etc.) so if you are looking for a specific type (or avoiding one), you don’t have to open it up to figure it out. Having it display in the thumbnails in Cupboards would be especially helpful when doing swaps.
2. The ability to narrow search results by tea type. For example, I’m looking for Mango flavored white tea. Searching on both terms probably gets most of them, but (for example) the description says “bai du man” "or “silver needle” and doesn’t contain the word “white,” they won’t show up in the search. Ability to do the by Company would also be nice, but that is easy enough to do on most company websites, so not a big deal.

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Anna said

I know this has been posted before a zillion times, but I would SO love a way to organize my cupboard better, so that I can keep teas I no longer in fact own from the rest. Just a little box to tick – ‘this tea is now dead’ – and then an option to add it to my shopping list.

Please, thank you. <3

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darky said

whats up with the steepster select tab? A subscription to try tea’s? But no costprice?

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I think it would be nice to be able to add teas to your shopping list/cupboard without actually having to go into the specific tea page. I find it time consuming when I get a new order having to go into each tea and add them to my cupboard. It would be nice to just look up the tea company and be able to add them from the list of their teas.

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pafrisoli said

(1) When searching for, say, “Chocolate” you could get a list of teas with the word Chocolate in the title ordered with their rating, from highest to lowest.
That way you can try to sample the most popular of a flavor you enjoy.
(2) tag with key words
(3) some way to mark where to buy or price points?
(4) Steeping instructions should go with the original tea, rather than the review, no? Also would be nice if you could do multiple instructions – one for hot & one for cold.

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