Which new features do you want the most?

1699 Replies
Azzrian said

This may already be in here as I did not read the whole tread, but a way to note on a tea in our cupboard such as:
I Have Enough To Trade
A Cupboard Staple
Sample Size Only (not tradable)
Willing to Sale

Oh, I love that idea! I could use ALL of those notes, actually!

NofarS said

+1 for a great idea



Emily M said


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I would also be another interested in having a way to search through the types of tea in my cupboard (rooibos, black, etc.) I know it has been mentioned before…

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Angrboda said

I would like a complete restructuring of the message boards, because I feel like we’ve outgrown the way they are now.

1) I would like to be able to choose which categories I’d like to see on the boards by default. For example, I’m not interested in companies and promotions, and would like to hide these from the board when I visit. Maybe make it something I would have to choose myself from the drop down menu if I felt like looking, but generally hide it from my view. That category gets a LOT of posts.

2) In the same way, some sort of category for off-topic posts which could be hidden, because I’m not interested in travelling food boxes or the latest Dr Who or what have you either. Then people who were interested in that sort of non-tea related stuff could go there and post to their hearts’ content and I could skip it. Really, this is something I think you should consider because your rule number 1 of ‘keep topics to tea’ doesn’t really appear to be working sometimes.

3) The thread where you invite new users to introduce themselves I think ought to be sticky at the top

In a non-message board wish, I would like to be able to make some sort of link-tag of usernames, so that if someone wrote my name in their post, they oculd make it link directly back to my account. And thereby, of course, also making people have unique usernames to avoid confusion. Maybe have link-tagged names change retroactively if people were to change their username.

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I would like to go to a tea page and see which friends have it in their cupboard on the right side of the page. So, if I want to swap, I know who to ask.

Also, I think a Mobile App would be amazing and increase users / exposure.

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TeaLady441 said

I know that a lot of people are requesting a mobile app, but what about doing a mobile version of the website, properly formatted for our phones? At least if you did this you wouldn’t have to worry about creating an app for iOS and Android etc.

Also, I’m on blackberry and I know that a blackberry app would be the least important due to demand, but a mobile version of the site would look fantastic. :P

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Josh said

I’d love to be able to easily search for one type of tea (ie just displaying green tea) without having to uncheck a ton of boxes.

I’d also love to have an easy way to find forum posts that have in depth information on certain types of teas. I remember a wonderful post on dragonwell green teas with all sorts of interesting details about varieties, sources, and quality. It would be great to be able to easily find info like this for multiple teas.

Mr Steep said

“I’d love to be able to easily search for one type of tea (ie just displaying green tea) without having to uncheck a ton of boxes.”

I wished for that for a long time, and then I realized that it is already there: just click on the type you want.

Josh said

Oh my goodness thank you! You made my day!

Emily M said

Mr Steep – You, good sir, just blew my mind. How did I not notice this? I was sitting here last night unchecking every box…wow. If only I’d seen this sooner! Thanks!

You’re kidding me. Thanks Mr Steep.

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OMGsrsly said

Not a new feature, but I’d love for the Notices section to start working again! It doesn’t time out, it just sits there spinning. When I put “http://steepster.com/dashboard?kind=notices” in the address bar, I get the error page. Happens no matter which computer I use.. work, home, library, etc.

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Reallyseth said

How about a way to add a photo or link to a photo on Instagram or Flickr of the tea. Would be helpful to see how light or dark a tea comes out when steeped for the particular time that is logged.

Lala said

It would also be nice to be able to add a photo directly to a post without having to use instagram/flickr.

Emily M said

I agree! It would be very awesome to have a way to post photos here without using instagram/flickr.

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Emily M said

I would really like a way to organize my cupboard that would allow me to show others what’s available for trade, and maybe even how much. Or at least a way to say whether it is a samples worth or not.

Teas available for trade would be awesome.

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Is there any way to sort tea reviews by date. Ie) most recent first? I know some teas change over time…like the quality etc.

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