Which new features do you want the most?

1697 Replies

hello! I’m new on Steepster and I’d like to give you my suggestion for an improvement. Maybe in the past 26 pages of discussion someone else asked for the same thing… but I can’t read all the 26 pages, so if I’m repeating something please forgive me :-)
well, the map in the “places” area doesn’t work properly: it shows me the nearest tea shop in my city (Firenze, Italy), but if I want to see if there are other places in Italy or Europe the maps shows me always the USA.
I hope to come back soon to US but now I’m more focused on Europe :-D

Cofftea said

No need to read all 26 pages Claudia (if you had to. I wouldn’t blame you for not wanting to)- the search works for this thread as well. Welcome!

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Jude said

It’d be great if a search for a more specific type of tea (e.g., tie guan yin as opposed to the generic oolong) brought up the ratings for that type of tea. Since it currently only brings up a list, which can often be lengthy, it’s cumbersome to see which have the highest ratings. This would be so useful for folks wanting to try a type of tea they’ve never had and want to choose among those the community rated highest. So any search term (chocolate, chamomile, monkey-picked, organic, etc) would bring up the search targets on a rating-ordered page. When I search ‘organic’ now more than 2600 teas come up — no way to know which are the best.

Also, I’d be interested to be able to see raw mean ratings as an option.


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Chi of Tea said

I would say… for vendors who use the site. RSS feed on tasting notes. This way I could integrate a steepster reviews reader on my tea’s page.

This would add value to “honest reviews” on my site, yet increase my sites links to Steepster as well. Works out great for a vendor’s sales presentation and awesome SEO and traffic benefits for Steepster. Imagine if all of the tea shops out there could display a feed on each tea. Returns the love for the support steepster gives tea vendors!

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Heyes said

I would like to be able to exclude types of reviews from my feed. It’d be nice to be able to filter out for just the teas I like.

Heyes said

By which I mean, I’d like to not read reviews about teas mixed with non tea herbs fruits, and other things like that.

Cofftea said

I kinda like that idea. I wish we either had the option to read all tasting notes, all by certain people, just ones of a certain type of tea, or only ones of certain types of teas written by certain Steepsters.

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Cheylyne said

This is not so much a suggestion about anything tea-related, but in case nobody has mentioned this, I feel like the profiles should be enhanced. For instance, perhaps have an option to have a handy list discussions you have subscribed as well as the ability to view your own (or somebody else’s) forum posts via the profile.

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I would love it if you could show which number rating you were giving a tea right on the tea log page, as you were giving it that rating (kind of like how the rating shows exactly when you are changing the ratings right on the ratings page—it shows you the number as you’re changing it). It doesn’t show the exact number on the tea log page until after you’ve logged it. Otherwise, it is just the sliding scale with a few other teas to compare it with. I don’t know if I’m being clear..

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Tabby said

I’d love to be able to look at a tea’s profile and see who has it in their Cupboard. That would be cool, and it might help with trades too.

Sorry if this was suggested before!

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Jude said

This is a little thing, hopefully easy to program: allow users to select their preferred default (from the dropdown) for viewing the list of teas they’ve reviewed. Or have the default be highest rated instead of most logged. At least for me, I only use this list when I’m deciding where a tea I’m rating falls within my existing ratings, so that I’m consistent.

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Cofftea said

It would be nice if the tea data base had a box to check for a custom blend (Steepsterite blended at home, not preblended by a company).

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How about a way to flag or merge duplicates or of a certain tea?

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