Which new features do you want the most?
On the website last.fm (it’s a website that tracks music you listen too) it shows your music compatibility with other users. I think it would be cool if steepster did this with different teas so you can see how similar your tea tastes are to other users.
I think it’d be great if there was a tea information area. As in, kind of like a cross between an FAQ and a How To. I have plenty of questions about tea and brewing, but I always take what store clerks say with a grain of salt. I’d love to know what other practical tea drinkers think on certain topics.
When I do a tasting note, I would like to be able to see the rating numbers. Right now, it is a crap shoot for getting on the number you were aiming for, so then you have to go back and edit the rating. Not that big of a deal, but it would be more convenient if I could see the numbers as I slide the slider thingy across the scale.
I tried to add our tea farm as a “Place”, but the choices were:
1. Tea Room 2. Cafe 3. Restaurant 4. Tea Shop
We grow tea and give farm tours. None of the above are a good fit, so i picked “Tea Room” (although we don’t, in fact, yet have a designated Room for Tea – just our family’s dining room!) Could there be a “5. Tea Farm” option?
Don’t know if these have already been requested.
When logging a tea under the optional section:
What steep number is it (1st,2nd, 3rd, etc)?
Quantity of tea used
Amount of water
And also, how about being able to comment on the tea companies themselves. Can leave comments about their shipping, customer service, and etc.
Another wish for the general good: I have more than 3 pages of teas in my cupboard listing now, and though I can predict a bit better what will be where by ordering them by tea company or by rating, I cannot go directly to the last page of the cupboard to find my Yuuki-cha teas: I must page through all the pages. And I only have 60-ish teas listed. This is not nice, and I would like a simple
next 1-2-3-4…..last
set of options, to move through the several pages more efficiently.
How about starring or otherwise denoting teas that have been featured as a select item on the tea’s profile page?
…I’d love to be able to see what number rating I’m giving a tea in the slider. I know that sounds silly and basic and I admit that I’m a simple creature, but I’m always a little lost in it. Crazy.
I haven’t read through the 22 pages, so this may have been suggested already, but it would be nice to have suggested teas based on ones that I rate highly. Or similarly, suggested steepsters with similar tastes.
A way to uncheck all selections on the Tea search page, or at least start with none checked. Also if there was a way we could just make a post about whatever (similar to Twitter) rather than having to post about a tea. I notice alot of people post about personal things along with their tea post and it just seems like something that should be implimented.
Aaron, as to your 1st suggestion- I agree. It’d be so nice if none checked was the default. As for your 2nd, most of the story telling in the posts are some way related to the tea. I like the story behind the tea personally. I haven’t seen something like this in ages here, but if it would have absolutely nothing to do w/ tea in anyway, I suggest you leave that to places like twitter, facebook, etc. The #1 rule (the steepster guys call them guidelines) for the forums is to keep the discussions about tea- and I think we should keep the rest of steepster like that as well. Although I do think a chat room would be nice- that could be used for general “get to know each other and hang out” chat.
Yeah a live chat would be nice. I would just enjoy a way to talk with other people on the site without having to post about a tea you just had first.
Definitely. I just don’t want this to get to be a place for tweet or facebook status like posts.
I agree, I wouldn’t want someone to just start spamming everything they did every two minutes. I think the chat thing would be the best plan :)
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