Which new features do you want the most?
I guess maybe I’m a bit confused how this is all supposed to work, because I get a reminder each day to post about what’s in my cup, but things seem to be set up to indicate a given tea only once. I drink the same teas pretty regularly so this will leave me with nothing new to post for stretches of time. Is the idea just to highlight new teas as I acquire them, or to kind of “track” what I’m drinking on a day to day basis? Maybe just the way the reminder emails are worded is what’s confusing me.
Would it be possible for a central payment system to be implemented for the steepster select?
I’m not sure if this has already been noted somewhere in the last 17 pages (I didn’t read them all).
The feature I’d like to see more than anything else is a recommendation engine akin to Amazon’s “people who liked this also liked…” that can take the tasting notes of me and other users and figure out which new teas I should try and which teas people who liked a particular one also liked.
Rather complex, but I think it’d be an awesome way to help everyone explore new options.
I already love how you can denote the time& temp of a steep, and that this is easily visible at the bottom of each post. Any chance of expanding that section to include other parameters? I often wonder what quantity of tea and water people use, whether they add milk, sugar, honey, soymilk, etc.
It would be nice to be able to see all of my tasting notes for a particular tea without having to go to the tea page and search for my name. (Or is this available already somewhere that I haven’t found?)
It would be especially nice if there could be a link to those previous notes (assuming they exist) instead of the “no notes yet” statement when I log a tea without making any new notes.
I’d like the slider for the tea rating to show the actual rating number when I hover over it. Maybe it already does this on some browsers but not on Mac Firefox? I rate a tea, save it, see the rating, and then have to go back and edit it. Sometimes it takes me 4 or more tries before I get the number I wanted.
I think it’s intentional, for people to go with more of a “gut feeling” based on the icky-ok-great continuum, rather than selecting a specific number. There are some of us who really are number-centric, though, so I think it should be an option in your site preferences but off by default. People who are rating by number (or stars, or whatever) tend to cluster ratings into the 60-100 range and leave off the rest, leading to less expressive ratings.
I’m normally the farthest thing from number centric, but since I drink so many different teas I like to make sure I rate a tea lower/high than others as the taste dictates. And even if I wasn’t, there’s a HUGE difference betweeen a tea that’s a 60 and one that’s 100 (using Hartfatum’s example)- it makes the reviews more accurate and helps those reading them know if they’d like the tea or not so they reduce their chances of being disappointed or missing out on a great tea.
Yes, Please! This would be invaluable to me. I’m first and foremost a numbers person and the sorta this, sort that rating system makes me crazy!
I know this already been suggested, but I think that this link illustrates exactly why a chat is needed:
I disagree. Those comments are over a 16 hour span. You’d have to all be online at the same time for chat to be useful.
Kristin- we were. True a couple of us left for periods of time, but there were LARGE chunks of time- especially last nite where we commented back and forth immediately. I don’t know how many times I just had time to get back to my dashboard and had several new notices.
Ah well then, I suppose it would be useful then. :) I figured it was a rare case that everyone would be on commenting that much.
Rare for the convos to revolve around one single tasting note, yes- but that proves that there are a bunch of us here at the same time- I’ve gone back and forth w/ someone PMing several times and it’s just a pain in the butt. Not only is it quicker, but it’d save our email inbox from being flooded w/ steepster notifications.
I also disagree. I don’t know if you guys ever use TeaChat (I know Cofftea has) but it can be really ineffective if the people you’re following aren’t online. And let me tell you, there’s a big difference between sitting in front of your computer for an extended amount of time chatting and replying to messages on a tasting log which are probably emailed to you, over the course of many hours. Big difference.
I’m not suggesting we only have the ability to chat w/ people we’re following (or at least have the option to be visible to everyone). I completely agree that “there’s a big difference between sitting in front of your computer for an extended amount of time chatting and replying to messages on a tasting log which are probably emailed to you, over the course of many hours. Big difference.”… That’s why I think the chat feature would be useful.
I didn’t suggest that we chat only with people we’re following, I’m saying that the people you’d want to be chatting with aren’t all online at the same time. Plus, who the heck is spending all day sitting in front of steepster with time to chat? That’s why the tasting note, or actually the DISCUSSION BOARD is useful—you can reply to each other as the messages come in over multiple hours, instead of sitting in front of steepster.com doing nothing but chatting. Plus, that way other people who aren’t on at the same time can see the discussion and join in—so for example, Ricky wouldn’t be excluded because he needed to go mail and pack stuff—he could just check his email every once in a while and reply. And others can also see your discussion because it’s posted to the board. Finally, I think a lot of people tend to be looking for advice or responses and want as many people as possible to join in , which is why the discussion board is so helpful. If you’re that desperate for chat, go back to TeaChat. I just don’t think it fits in with the way Steepster is designed to be “log” like and keeps track of everything.
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