Which new features do you want the most?

1699 Replies
Cofftea said

Tags so a person can search tasting notes by key words.

Tapiridae said

Tags would be useful! But wouldn’t it make more sense if they’re added to the tea itself instead of the notes?

Cofftea said

Not to me. Blogs have tags all the time. I’d also want to see them in context.

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Erynn said

I actually think it would be nice if Steepster had an option for making a blogpost that wasn’t linked to a specific cuppa, so that if I wanted to natter about tea, generally, I could do that.

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It would be nice to see the average of someone’s list of tea ratings so that I can see what score this person usually gives.

Cofftea said

IMO that’s completely useless info. Steepster already does too much w/ averages.

I thought it would be useful to see if someone’s rating of a tea is above or below his/her collection of ratings, but oh well.

Cofftea said

How so? Maybe I’m just not understanding you.

Sorry I meant the “average” of his/her collection of ratings. Well that way you would know if the rating she just gave is above or below her standards or not.

Cait select said

Oh, this sounds very useful to me! I know my “midpoint” is fairly high, to the point where I’m considering going back and spreading things out a little lower, and other people give a rating meaning “good” with the same number I’ve been using for “mediocre” — it would be helpful to be able to look at another user’s profile and fine out for sure. Also, numbers are fun. :)

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Also, how about making the most recent replies page 1 so that it’s faster to read recent posts?

This would be really useful to newbies like myself .

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Tapiridae said

I would like the ability to add multiple infusions to one tasting note. It would be nice if you could show the brewing time and temperature for each steep. Now I’m always wondering whether I should add another tasting note or leave it as a comment.

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AJ said

Perhaps options on who you would like to receive personal messages from. Right now you can only receive messages from people you are following, obviously good to keep away spam, etcetera. But perhaps options for people who don’t mind receiving PMs from strangers. Something in your account setting that allows you to receive PMs from “All Steepsters” “Steepsters I am following” “Steepsters following me”, or something to that like. Unless that’s already been suggested and I overlooked it, sorry.

Cofftea said

Great idea!

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Don’t know if this was already mentioned, but some type of “points” system would be cool. Meaning, for performing certain actions on the site your “tea score” increases. Then you could have titles such as “Tea Beginner” or “Tea Master”. Just a thought. =)

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Cofftea said

This might be here, but it isn’t showing up in the search… how about different degrees of privacy/contact limitations? Not only the ability to lock tasting notes as private and block lists, but also a middle of the road- make tasting notes available to be read, but not commented on. Also the ability to pick of the tasting note can be visible to “all”, “no one”, “my followers”, “those I’m following”, and “reciprocated followers” (meaning people I follow that follow me back).

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Shanti said

It would be great if we could see exactly who was rating a specific tea without leaving a tasting not, and what their ratings are. That way we can keep an eye out for companies that might rate their own teas at 100 with multiple accounts.

Cofftea said

Better yet, how about the ability to make a tasting note w/o a rating, but not vice versa?

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Any plans on releasing an API?

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