Which new features do you want the most?

1699 Replies

Oh and i was just searching for a tea, and was wondering why we can’t search on type (black green, etc) AND style (loose leaf, full leaf bagged, bagged) – in know some teas offer multiple kinds but then you could (when entering a tea) enter it was the full leaf bagged you tried, and the tasting note could be 1 bag 6 ounces water, where as someone else might do the same tea but choose loose leaf and 2 teaspoons and 12 ounces of water….and when you search that tea would come up as both loose leaf and full leaf bagged (look at the republic of tea site they have at the bottom of each page the ways that tea is available)

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chompy said

1. Loose, bagged, iced etc. as fields when adding a new tea
2. Ditto, but for country

Main reason is there are a lot of entries where people are commenting on both the bagged and loose versions, or where ‘bagged’ and ‘loose’ are in the title. This lacks consistency too. Same: country of origin.

Just my 0.02, maybe a pipe dream but great work otherwise.

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I think the ability to star threads on the forum would be useful.

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DavidT said

Someone might have already suggested something similar to this, but I had an idea while reading through the ‘Utterly Annoying Tasting Notes’ thread.

Give a new option on each persons Dashboard to select any tea they have previously logged a tasting note for, or perhaps added it into their Cupboard, and designate it as “Currently Sipping” or some such thing. This way, if the user has no new comments to add to their log, but still want to actually take note that they drank that cup and when, there is an easy way to record it. This information could still show up on followers Dashboards, but have a different designation. This way, those that are interested can observe, and others don’t have to worry about looking at “utterly annoying tasting notes”. Maybe even offer filter options on the Dashboard to customize how much info one sees from other users?

AJ said

I think a “Currently Sipping” feature would be very neat. That’s something that could appear right up on the main menu (granted there’s room, I suppose—my screen width is quite large), in the corner. Almost a ‘current status’ sort of thing.

Cofftea said

Not needed. Just look at the last thing they logged. No need to reinvent the wheel.

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Angrboda said

I think it would be useful if there was an easy way to tell if an account was run by someone representing a shop or business rather than a private person, because a business has a different sort of bias than a private person. I’ve noticed that not all accounts representing a business instead of a private person reflect this in the chosen username, or I get uncertain about whether I’m reading a post written by a business representative or by a private person.

Cofftea said

Yes! +1

i agree!

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chana said

OK, this relates to the blue/yellow/whatever colour the discussion topic changes to when there are new posts…I would really love the option of having two columns, one for number of posts (already there) and one for number of (my) unread posts. I never remember what colour what is supposed to be, and how much I’ve already read of a discussion, and so I go searching. Knowing how many unread posts I have in a thread would make it so much easier to navigate the discussions. I know I can subscribe to a thread, but it still doesn’t tell me where I need to start. :)

wombatgirl said

I’d like to see the ability to mark all messages read so that it’s not this giant daunting block of unread messages.

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I’d like to be able to view my past activity, instead of having to scour through hours and hours of updates!

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Cofftea said

The ability to choose whether we want our loggings w/ no commentary published to our followers’ notices (not appearing in the list of tasting notes) and also the ability to choose whether we want our followers’ logs w/ no commentary visable on our notices. I personally would like to see every cup a person drinks even if there isn’t text or steeping parameters to go w/ it.

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IdentiTEA said

The only thing I can think to suggest would be a live chat feature. Now that… would be sweet! If this has already been suggested, then my apologies and +1 to their contribution.

I would also like to add my thoughts on a few things I hope you guys do NOT implement. As much as I like Facebook, please don’t stoop down to that level and add things like applications, groups, event invites, etc. Steepster has an awesome thing going here with a fantastic community of people. I believe “groups” would disrupt that vibe, separate us, and just plain complicate things. It works on Facebook because there are millions of people on there. However, I don’t think it would have the same success here.

Eh, that is just my opinion.

Cofftea said

I ditto everything, except I’m hoping we can search by geographical location so I actually do hope we can plan events/face to face meetings and can send s-vites (steepster e-invites).

IdentiTEA said

I see your point about invites… but why not use the private messaging feature for this instead of creating a completely new feature? Multitask the items that are already available – not to mention make less work for the Overlords. Nothing is stopping you (or anyone else) right now from planning events with others via PM’s. ;)

For example, when I met a group of tea-lovers who I talked with on another tea forum, we planned it all through the private messaging feature used on that forum.

Cofftea said

Because you can’t PM everyone. That way if person x starts an event and invites person y, person why can invite person z. And the event wall/profile/info can be the source and center of communication.

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Sorry, this may already be posted here but with over 400 posts to go through, sorry, I don’t have the time. I’m wondering about getting info on the tea companies that are here. I see the teas and companies but not anything about the companies. I would like also to be able to quickly see fair trade teas.

Cofftea said

RE: your comment on going thru 400 posts… the search feature isn’t perfect, but it does help.

A company info page is the #1 thing I want to see implemented. How long they’ve been around, country of origin, their website and/or addresses of brick&mortar shops, etc.

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