Jason select said

Feedback - Our social network stuff

Hey everyone!

Just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on what we post on Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/etc. Usually it’s the same across multiple networks, but I didn’t know if you guys liked the content, or had any other thoughts about it. Would be interested to hear what you think!

A little bit of shameless self promotion:

18 Replies
Lala said

I always found it interesting that you post on other social networks but not your own steepster site.

Jason select said

You mean that I don’t post the links here? Or that the links are always about other sites?

Lala said

That you don’t post here.

Jason select said

Ah, would you (or anyone else) want me to make a thread here for the links I post on those sites?

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Anlina said

I use Facebook and Twitter, and I have Steepster Liked on FB, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Steepster post appear on my feed.

Honestly, since Steepster doesn’t generate a whole lot of its own content and is more of a social networking site itself, I don’t feel like Steepster’s presence on other social networking sites is important to me.

Jason select said

I really don’t post too often, especially compared to other sites/companies. So it’s possible that the posts are missed.

But that’s an interesting point about the site position. Is that something or somewhere that we could post that you’d be interested in?

Same here, Steepster posts never show up in my Facebook feed.

Jason select said

Weird, not sure why that would be.

The reason why it wouldn’t show up on someone’s feed is because Facebook determines what content is on your feed based on the content that you tend to view. For example, if your friend John Doe posts a lot of funny things and you often click on his posts or ‘like’ them or share them, then Facebook determines that you like John Doe’s content and therefore his content (and content similar to John Doe’s) will be prioritized in your feed. If your friend Joe Schmoe posts a lot of content that you don’t click on, ‘like’, or share or if you rarely visit Joe Schmoe’s page, Facebook determines that you do not want to see Joe Schmoe’s content and thus his posts will not show up in your feed. Youtube does something very similar in regards to ‘Recommended Videos.’ To summarize my long winded reply: All of the content that shows up on your Facebook feed is content that Facebook has prioritized for you – if you go through it, you should find that not everyone or every page that you follow shows up in your feed.

Jason select said

Is that a very long and roundabout way of saying people don’t like us and are avoiding our facebook page?!?! How dare you! ;)

Psssh. Whenever I check my facebook feed, the ONLY thing I see is Skinny Puppy updates! I don’t even see updates from my best friends! It’s just because I click on things about Skinny Puppy SOOOOOO OFTEN that Facebook is like… welp… I guess she only wants Skinny Puppy. It’s more a matter of people clicking on other things with great frequency than it is a matter of people drinking that sweet, sweet hater-ade. :p

^Hahaha, our feeds are probably identical. :D

Anlina said

Also, content posted to Pages no longer reaches everyone who has Liked that page. In order to show it to everyone you have to pay FB money.

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I mostly follow on Twitter, and I enjoy the content. In fact, I’m enjoying the History of Tea series on the China History podcast which I learned about from Steepster’s Twitter feed. :)

Me too! Except I saw it on a thread Jason posted here :P

Jason select said

Glad you’re liking it. That was one of the few links I actually posted here :)

I think more links like that (i.e. Articles, podcast episodes, random blog posts) would be fun and engaging to the community. I liked the individual thread, but a “share your tea links here” thread that we all (especially Steepster Staff) would actively post to would be interesting.

Jason select said

I like that idea. Maybe depending on the link it could have it’s own thread. But at least we could have one with all the interesting, more one-off type links.

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