Dammann Advent Calendar, Day 11
I’m going a little out of order here because yesterday I didn’t get a chance to drink my advent tea at all, but I prefer to start my mornings with a black tea, like this one, and not green, like the previous day.
I couldn’t remember if I had tried this tea before, but apparently I got a sample of it from Sil once (so it is new to the advent calendar this year). I’m not big on strawberries in any form except fresh, so it’s not my favorite blend. I liked it better cold brewed than hot, but I’m having it hot again here just to try it out.
I am enjoying this cup, and I don’t find it astringent like I did my first time. I wonder if that is the “benefit” of the sachet, which tends to mute flavors a tiny bit. Jammy strawberry, a bit of tart rhubarb. I do think I would still prefer this cold brewed, but it was a nice cup this morning (if a bit spring-y).
I feel weird drinking anything other than a black blend first thing too… :P
Man, 3 reviews for this tea all in a row on my dashboard! Haha, and you all rated it very similarly. (Amused.)
Hah, I saw that too! Funny. :P