I ordered a sample of this tea because dates! figs! sesame! sounds like a good tea to me. I don’t think I found this one on Steepster beforehand, somehow, because I remember not seeing any reviews. If I had, I might not have ordered it since people talk about smokiness in it and I have no tolerance for smokiness.
The dry leaf smells INTENSE. Very sweet, definitely figs, dates, and nuts. Steeped, the tea started smelling a little smoky, and I was worried. However, this came out ok for me. I think because it’s more of an intense roast/toast than it is a charcoal smoke (which often makes me ill!). Nutty and figgy for sure. It’s less sweet seeming than I might have guessed, but it works. Similar to Toasted Fig, but still unique. I ended up enjoying this more than I thought I would!
Thanks for clearing things up for me on the smoke! This is one of the few ATR teas I’ve been interested in, and like you, was hesitant to ever order it (or from ATR in general since very few of their teas seem to appeal to me) since I don’t care for smokiness either.
Fjellrev – If you want, I can send you some of my sample. If there are few that appeal you might be better off satiating your curiosity that way :)
Nono, don’t worry about it! If I end up liking the Brioche that Sil sent me, I think I’ll end up taking advantage of the 20% off sale right now and order samples anyway. :)
Thanks for clearing things up for me on the smoke! This is one of the few ATR teas I’ve been interested in, and like you, was hesitant to ever order it (or from ATR in general since very few of their teas seem to appeal to me) since I don’t care for smokiness either.
Interesting sounding tea :)
Fjellrev – If you want, I can send you some of my sample. If there are few that appeal you might be better off satiating your curiosity that way :)
Nono, don’t worry about it! If I end up liking the Brioche that Sil sent me, I think I’ll end up taking advantage of the 20% off sale right now and order samples anyway. :)
Ok just let me know if you change your mind :)
Aw, this sounds NICE.