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thank you again for all the delicious goodies terri! So glad you’re my tea sister even when life gets a little crazy :)

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mmmmm thank you terri! delicious malty goodness right here folks. This is the autumn 2015 version and it makes me happy. a little sweetness in the back half of the sip, but otherwise a really smooth, malty blend, with hints of cacao.

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spring 2016 version of this – delicious.


Oh, good. I have some of that coming… eventually they tell me…

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oh Terri…my lovely tea sister. thank you for sharing this one with me. I love this one quite a bit. I’m currently sipping on this while reading on the balcony. It looks like i finished up enough of work this morning that i get to visit our friend on his birthday. This means at least one game + baby time AND i’ll get fed :) tomorrow we’re also going out for Summerlicious here in toronto and we’re going to try out a brazilian restaurant so that will be something to look forward to after what i imagine is going to be a crappy day of work lol

Not enough sipdowns today but at least i’m now under where i started after the drop off from variatea and cavocorax last night haha


Oh lord…she did send me this one. I can see a Pure Bud tasting in a very near future :-)


it’s really nice!

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mmmm such a good delicious malty cup of YUM. i have nothing much else to say except this just got me through 3 hours of really really focused work lol

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