Volcano Winery

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drank Estate Black Tea by Volcano Winery
1780 tasting notes

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drank Estate Black Tea by Volcano Winery
1780 tasting notes

Finally getting around to having some of this tea that I picked up last summer. I bought a lot of tea during my travels, so it has taken a while to get to all of it.

We visited the Volcano Winery in Hawaii last summer. I really wanted to check out a tea farm and this was the only one that I was able to reach and get answers from about tours. It is also a winery, which is the perfect combo for my husband and I, him being the wine enthusiast and me being tea enthusiast. The tour was small, just us and a couple other people. The growing area was small since they are just starting out in the tea business, but it was really neat to see tea plants growing. The Volcano Winery folks were really nice and enjoyed our visit. My husband went home with some wine and I went home with some tea!

This tea is really light for a black! It has a little bit of malt to it on the sip and a slight sweetness as well. There is almost a touch of grass. It seems really well rounded and smooth. I’m liking it!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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