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I’m a huge fan of this tea. Never had the bags, but I’ve always got a tin of loose leaves on top of the fridge. It’s a perfect rainy day tea; the scents of orange and cornflower will pick you right up! One of the best-smelling teas.
Supposedly it’s impossible to oversteep Lady Grey. I usually try to leave it for at least three minutes to get the full flavour out. I drink it plain; it doesn’t need sugar and it’s herbal-tasting enough that milk doesn’t do it any favours.
Lowering my rating on this one. It’s had a very bitter and unpleasant flavor the last three times I’ve made it. I’m not sure what I’m doing different, but it’s just not as good as it used to be.
Now that I think about it, maybe it’s just the loose version of this I’m having problems with (I have both the loose and the bagged version). I will need to try the bagged version again, maybe that it’s just the loose version that is bitter.
Very flavorful and malty. Maybe a little harsh, but I think Irish Breakfast is supposed to be that way. I always drink this sweetened and with milk (sometimes with flavored sweeteners). This tea is still decent even when I forget about it and totally oversteep it – just add more milk and sweetener. I always need to have this in my cupboard.
This tea was my first in buying loose leaf tea. I saw it in the grocery store….I had a tea strainer I got as a gift but had never used. It’s a great option for gunpowder teas. It’s got that light smokiness that you would expect from a gunpowder and at a great price too and you can find it almost anywhere.
Lapsang Souchong has an incredibly calming and intricate taste. Its strong, robust character reflects against its deep, relaxing smokiness. Twining’s decent Lapsang Souchong calls for a shorter steeping time than most Lapsang souchong because Twining’s tea can occasionally be somewhat bitter. Either way it’s without a doubt worth drinking. A rolling boil adds to the smokiness of the tea.
My favorite tea. I love it iced, I love it hot… I even drink it lukewarm, I like it with honey, or sugar and sometimes a splash of cream. It’s especially good as an iced tea though… well and hot with a splash of cream.
Twinings has stopped carrying it however! Please bring it back Twinings!
What can I say? It’s a classic black tea that you just can’t go wrong with. You can hand me exotic teas all day long, but I’ll always come back to a good basic black tea like this. I’m rating almost perfect simply because there are other brands that do it a little better.
What first introduced me to Irish Breakfast was Stash’s teabag. I loved the assam in it. I prefer Irish over English Breakfast. I find English too astringent, plus I love more assam.
I guess I am a weirdo since I usually drink my Irish Breakfast iced, no additions. I prefer Stash’s to this. This is a little astringent to me. I prefer teas where nothing in needed to enjoy it, unless it’s a chai or pastry flavored tea. This tea needs just a little something to it. So not a staple for me, not bad. I will try this hot with some milk, to see if my preferences change.
For me Twinings is among the champions of bagged tea.
This is a nice relaxing and refreshing infusion. Camomile and spearmint make a nice combo. Very drinkable. Soothing. Sweetish.
There were a couple of teabags of this tea in my hotel room in London last year and I absolutely loved it! Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find it anywhere here in the states. But, if you find it, I would definitely try it. Very Yummy!
Made a valiant effort to produce the right floral notes, but suffered from its flat and slightly bitter taste. Could be used as a blending tea, but does not hold up well on its own.
(Granted, this tea had been poorly stored in a friend’s cupboard for the greater part of a year, so a more recent and better-cared-for purchase might have a different taste.)
I wasn’t sure what I wanted, and I have a lot of this for some reason, so this is what I’m having. And you know, I actually like it. (I guess there is a reason I have so much of it.) It really is a citrusy take on Earl Grey and a decent one at that. It’s good to keep some bagged tea around for when you need a quick and mindless cup, and this does just the trick.