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drank Stress Reliever by TeaFrog
488 tasting notes

Somehow I had an advent tea still not sipped down, but I am needing a good nights sleep so let’s give it a try. It’s lemon light with a hint of sweetness. Not a bad taste at all, but certainly not lemon loaf. The second steep is very weak, I guess this is a one cup tisane. I am feeling remarkably relaxed after the second cup. Thanks Lexie for sending this my way!

Flavors: Lemon


I haven’t seen a TeaFrog review in a long time!

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drank Stress Reliever by TeaFrog
1324 tasting notes

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drank Stress Reliever by TeaFrog
1324 tasting notes

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drank Stress Reliever by TeaFrog
1324 tasting notes

April Sipdown Alphabet Challenge: “S” Tea
So this is the same tea that I have but my bag of it says Stress Blocker on it.
It has some interesting herbal ingredients actually like mistletoe and birch leaves. Tastewise it’s a very mild herbal-tasting tea. I can taste the tiniest bit of lemon though.
I feel really calm after drinking this even with the paper I just started writing that is due in several hours. I suppose it could be just a coincidence though the calm feeling. I will have to keep trying it to see if it’s actually the tea working.

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drank Jasmine Chung Hao by TeaFrog
23 tasting notes

I’m not normally a fan of green tea, but I don’t mind jasmine tea from time to time. I bought this mostly because my girlfriend loves jasmine tea and I wanted to give it a go.

I have to say… my mind hasn’t changed that much. I’m still not a huge fan of green tea. The jasmine definitely makes it more bearable, but it’s still very much green tea (and I brewed it at a low temperature, 75-80C). It’s also a little on the astringent side… and the fact that I brewed it at such a low temperature means that this is somewhat surprising to me. I would be expecting less astringency.

It’s quite jasmine-heavy, which is… nice? I think? Perhaps it’s a little too heavy on the jasmine though. The smell is lovely, provided that you like jasmine of course. The colour is very clear with a yellow tinge.

It holds up to multiple brews quite well, so you can get your money’s worth (it’s not the cheapest of teas).

I personally wouldn’t get this tea again, but then again I’m not a green tea drinker. While it’s here I’ll have it occasionally when I fancy something a little bit different.

Flavors: Grass, Jasmine

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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I brewed this last night and this morning for the Halls medicinal flavour, and it’s still a pretty accurate description.

My morning has not been good. Coughing until you puke can do that to a person. That’s all I’m gonna say right now.


Hope you’re feeling better soon. Some good old echinacea helps boost the immune system. That’s what I always take but it’s more effective when the symptoms start up.


sounds like we’re both going through similar crap…i am not impressed..

Christina / BooksandTea

It just means that I’ll really be able to enjoy my tea when I’m finally better.


Ohh, I hope you feel better soon.

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Oh dear, I’ve reached that stage where I’m kind of tired of tea. I’ve just been mainlining it for the past few days because it makes my throat feel so much better, but the rest of my system is going OMG, TAKE A BREAK ALREADY.

Too bad, GI tract! When Mama’s throat ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.

So, this seemed like a good thing to have. Others here have compared the flavour to Halls lemon cough drops, and I agree that it smells and tastes rather medicinal. But I’m sick, so medicinal is EXACTLY what I’m looking for right now.

The taste is lemony, but more of an acid lemon than a sweet lemon. I wondered how this would stack up to Tealish’s Lemon Meringue Rooibos, but that one is much sweeter. This one is more…limey, somehow.

Anyways. I hope that in a day or two I can go back to actually savouring my tea rather than guzzling it.

Boiling 5 min, 15 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Love by TeaFrog
661 tasting notes

I haven’t been trying too many new teas lately. I think too much new teas and tasting overloaded my taste buds so for a couple of days, I’ve been having my old favourites except for this one.

I can’t remember much about this one. I do know I really liked it. It had a sweet orangy flavour that blended well with the rooibos. The orange was not overpowering like in some teas and the sweetness just make it go down pretty fast.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Had this tea this morning. Brews up a dark yellowish colour. It’s a very smooth green tea with no astringency. It does have buttery notes as well as sweetness but both are very subtle. This is a very unusual green tea and I think I am at a loss of words describing it.
I really did enjoy the tea though.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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Had this tea yesterday. Wasn’t picking up the lemongrass as much as the coconut but it definitely does smell Thai like. The coconut flavour doesn’t come across as tasting too artificial either. It’s a great tasting tea. I think I was a bit distracted when drinking it so I don’t have a lot to say on it. Holding off rating until I have it again.

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Had this tea this morning before heading to work. Really enjoyable tea. It’s very light for a green- almost like a yellow tea. It’s also similar to a light oolong because it’s doesn’t have too much of a grassy flavour to it. It’s light, a bit buttery, and vegetal. I could really stock lots of this tea but want to try out some other dragon wells from other companies before I settle on one.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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Oh this tea is delish! It kinda reminds me of a lemon flavoured green a local tea maker made and I had a few years ago ( and one I really missed having in my cabinet). I don’t think the lemon is too strong at all. It’s got a sweet lemony grassy flavour with just a tiny little bit of mint coming through. I would definitely order more of this tea.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Coconut Vanilla White by TeaFrog
1040 tasting notes

This is the second TeaFrog tea that Ubacat sent to me. Thank you so much. Is always interesting to try tea from different companies.
I liked this one too. It’s a really nice coconut white tea. The coconut is creamy and nutty not fake or artificial. There is just a hint of vanilla. All in all I’ve been happy with my first taste of TeaFrog.


Glad you’re liking the TeaFrog teas!

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drank Bamboo Shoots by TeaFrog
661 tasting notes

WAs looking forward to the genmaicha in this but even in the dry leaf I didn’t see hardly any toasted rice. Brewed up it has a nice fruity flavour. A pleasant cup of tea but where’s the bamboo and genmaicha flavour? The red peppercorns gave it a little bit of a spicy note that I liked. Overall, not a bad tea but it doesn’t get a really high rating (so far) because I didn’t taste any genmaicha. Someone else commented here that depending on what’s in your sample and you put in your cup, it could change slightly each time you have it. There’s hope then that i may taste the genmaicha next time I try this tea.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Blueberry Flavoured White by TeaFrog
1040 tasting notes

Thank you Ubacat for sending me this sample.
I like this. Nice blueberry – not artificial, not too sweet. The white base is present but not fighting with the berry. I drank this hot but I’m sure it would be really good iced. There is nothing wrong with this. It’s a really good blueberry white tea.
Thank you – I’ve never tried any of Teafrog teas – this was a nice introduction.

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drank Formosa Oolong Finest by TeaFrog
661 tasting notes

I can’t believe I’ve never had this tea from Tea Frog until now. Brewed for 3 min at 195F. This is a very strong oolong. If it didn’t have oolong on the package I would swear this was a black tea. I prefer the light oolongs but do like some of the roasted too. This one is just too strong of an oolong for me. I can taste the roasted sweetness which some might like but it’s not for me. Into the swap pile it goes.

195 °F / 90 °C

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drank Bamboo Shoots by TeaFrog
1501 tasting notes

Same name, same ingredients, with a tea that looks the same? I’m thinking this is what Acquired Taste in Edmonton, AB sells.

Pleasant, fruity and light – although something I’m drinking, I’m having an allergic reaction to. Very pineapple-y, depending on the sip, with little coconut, but it’s still in there vaguely.

Flavors: Coconut

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Jasmine Pearls by TeaFrog
661 tasting notes

The package said to add 4 to 6 balls for a cup! That seemed too small of an amount to me so I added 8 or 9. It brewed up pretty mild. This is my very first Jasmine Pearls ever. I’ve had lots of Jasmine Green but never Jasmine Pearls. I liked the Jasmine scent and flavour. It wasn’t too overpowering (I used to LOVE overpowering Jasmine teas) and definitely not too mild (can’t stand those). Somewhere in between. It wasn’t an exceptional tea but it was good. I’m looking forward to trying the Jasmine Pearls from Tealux next to see if there really is a difference.

Flavors: Flowers

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 45 sec

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Though I’m not a big white tea drinker, nor am I a fan of coconut flavourings, I found this tea to be true to it’s name! The coconut wasn’t overpowering; more natural actually. Quite aromatic and hints of sweet-creaminess.

Flavors: Coconut, Cream, Vanilla

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

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drank Kalahari by TeaFrog
661 tasting notes

I thought I had ordered the LOVE rooibos as a sample from Teafrog and got this one instead. Pretty weird. It certainly smelled good in the bag. I think the name Kalahari threw me off for what I expected in a smell and flavour. It was almost like doing a blind test! I kept thinking there was something slightly familiar to Rishi’s Earl Grey Rooibos but not quite. Then I saw lemongrass in the ingredients and that explained that since bergamot and lemongrass are both citrusy. I like infused1’s comment about how this smells and tastes like Hall’s lemon cough drops. I agree. I think a little too much lemon flavour was added on top of the lemongrass. I always like Hall’s lemon cough drops though so I do sort of enjoy the tea. But would I buy it again? Probably not.

Flavors: Lemon Zest

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Jasmine Chung Hao by TeaFrog
661 tasting notes

This tea hasn’t been my favourite and I guess that’s why it’s taking me so long to sip down. This morning it seemed bitter. On my last review I had noted there was no bitterness. I wonder what’s up with that? I brewed at 185 and last time was 175 so maybe that little bit of temperature makes a big difference. One more cup of this left and I’ll be glad when it’s gone. It’s not really bad but not really good either.

Flavors: Astringent, Bitter, Jasmine

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drank Jasmine Chung Hao by TeaFrog
661 tasting notes

Very excited to be trying my very first tea from Teafrog and it’s interesting I chose the free sample they threw in instead of one of the samples I bought. This tea taste almost like a Jasmine Green I have in a teabag. I don’t know the name of the Jasmine Green I have in the tea bag. I took it out of the box (bought it from Loblaws) and it has Jasmine Tea stamped on it and some Chinese writing – no company name. That said, this tea has a nice floral jasmine scent . I don’t consider it too strong but I love floral scented teas. The tea itself is delicate, no bitterness .

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

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