Tea & Tins

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Sipdown (602)!

Finished this one off yesterday on my way home from the office; it was raining very heavily so having a hot tumbler of creamy milk oolong to sip on during the cold rain was a major source of comfort and coziness. I’ve been drinking a lot of milk oolong this year – flavoured and straight. This is definitely not the nicest in terms of quality and it does have a sharpness to the finish and some weird grassiness – but it’s not bad either!

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Discovery Tea Box – Tea Nine

Pulled this one from the box largely because I just needed to clear out some space to fit in the various teas that people had requested and something needed to come out to do that; but also because I was slightly curious to see how creamy this oolong would actually be. I mean, it’s not a flavoured oolong so I figured it has to be pretty naturally creamy to warrant the name “Creme de la Creme”…

It looks, smells, and tastes pretty much exactly like an average/mid quality milk oolong. However, it’s not marketed AT ALL as being milk oolong so I really can’t confirm with certainty that’s what it is as much as my taste buds are telling me it’s so clearly that. Very buttery though, kind of creamy, just a bit floral, and pretty sharply green/grassy in the top of the sip. Milk oolong.

I found it pretty average overall.

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drank Winter Pine by Tea & Tins
6444 tasting notes

This orange marzipan tea made for a nice Christmas hot tea but a stale and astringent iced tea.

Check out the full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2017/11/16/winter-pine-from-tea-tins/

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Sipdown (597)!

Pretty flat and flavourless – but this is an old tea that I really just needed to push through and get out of my cupboard. No sense holding on to the last one cup worth when I never really liked it a lot in the first place. A hint of strawberry…

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From VariaTEA!

A little bland – can’t tell if that’s because I’m stuffy or it’s because of the tea, though. Definitely tasted the strawberry, but it was kind of artificial. I could feel the spice/ginger in the back of my throat, but couldn’t actually taste it at all.

I’ll revisit and reevaluate at a later day. No rating for now.


Hope you get feeling better soon!

Roswell Strange

Me too! Thank you for the well wishes, though! :)



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drank Spritz of Glitz by Tea & Tins
15575 tasting notes

green tea…peach flavoured but not that artificial sort of peach. On the whole, not a tea i need to have again. the flavouring is actually pretty light…more green than flavoured if that makes sense.

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drank Zesty Strawberry by Tea & Tins
6444 tasting notes

I had high hopes for this tea but alas it was merely a meh sort of blend. Check out my full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2017/07/28/zesty-strawberry-from-tea-tins/

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drank Hot Mama by Tea & Tins
95 tasting notes

This smells like Atomic Fireballs. Or Red Hots. Or Hot Tamales. Pick your cinnamon candy of choice. It tastes like cinnamon candies too, just without the “bite” they have. Since I love spicy things I miss that part of it, but what can you do? To be fair, since I do like spicy stuff so much, your “not spicy” and my “not spicy” may be very different.

Go easy on the sweetener if you add any. This tea is very sweet, and even a spoonful of sugar can make it cloying.

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drank Miss Figgy by Tea & Tins
95 tasting notes

You may want to leaf generously, since this tea is VERY delicate. The dry leaf and the brewed tea have a strong figgy scent, but the brewed tea is much more subtle. One teaspoon yielded a brew that was a little too light for me, 1 and 1/2 was still delicate, but tasty. The fig flavor gets more noticeable as it cools, even if it also becomes a little bit astringent. I’ll probably restock in the future, since I like fig-flavored teas more than I thought I would.

…and the piggy sprinkles are cute, even if they stuck, half-melted, all over my tea ball. Easy enough to clean though, so no big deal.

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drank Miss Figgy by Tea & Tins
6444 tasting notes

I am a sucker for sprinkles in tea. And this tea has PIG sprinkles. Cute, adorable pig sprinkles. That and fig flavor, one that you don’t see often but is always so appealing. Check out my full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2017/05/10/pig-sprinkles-in-tea-fig-flavored-tea-from-tea-and-tins/

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drank Spritz of Glitz by Tea & Tins
6444 tasting notes

Sparkly tea! It’s pretty but the flavoring is maybe a bit too subtle. Check out the full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2017/04/15/sparkles-in-my-cuppa-spritz-of-glitz-from-tea-tins/

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drank Spritz of Glitz by Tea & Tins
6444 tasting notes

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